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Matej Žohar (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Ustrezna organiziranost informacijskega sistema je osnova za kvalitetno delovanje vsake organizacije. Informacijski sistem, ki omogoča hitro prilagodljivost nenehnim zakonskim spremembam, je najpomembnejši za uspeh podjetja in zagotavljanje konkurenčne prednosti. Pri odločitvi za uvedbo celovite informacijske rešitve se srečujemo z vprašanji kako izbrati ustrezno informacijsko rešitev, kako se pripraviti na uvedbo, kateri so ključni dejavniki uspešne uvedbe in katere so temeljne napake pri uvedbi takšne rešitve v podjetju. Podjetja potrebujejo za svoje uspešno poslovanje hitre in pravilne odločitve. Vse več podjetij se odloča za uvedbo ustreznih informacijskih rešitev, katere jim omogočajo podporo večine poslovnih procesov podjetja. Projekt uvedbe ustrezne informacijske rešitve je kompleksen in zahteven za podjetje. Za uspešno uvedbo je torej nujno, da se podjetja zavedajo tveganja in projekt skrbno načrtujejo, organizirajo in nato tudi izvedejo. ZZV Maribor se je odločil, da na podlagi analize ERP rešitev vzpostavi model prenove in informatizacijo poslovnih procesov. Za izboljšanje informacijskega sistema smo izbrali podjetje Kopa d.d.. Uvedbe se bomo lotili premišljeno in z upoštevanjem smernic za uspešno vpeljavo. Pričakujejo uspešno uvedbo rešitve, ki bo podjetju prinesla številne koristi.


poslovna informatika;informacijski sistemi;ERP;poslovni proces;prenova;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Žohar]
UDC: 005.336.5:004
COBISS: 11510044 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1623
Downloads: 237
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ERP solutions implementation in the Institute of public health of Maribor
Secondary abstract: Appropriately organized information system is the basis for functions of quality improvement of each organization. Business success of a company and gaining of a competitive advantage may be achieved through information system allowing quick adaptability to continuous legislative changes. When deciding whether to implement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing) system, companies are faced with questions of how to select an appropriate ERP system, which are the key factors of successful introduction of the system and which are fundamental errors in the implementation process of such a system in the company. In order to be successful, companies need to make quick and adequate decisions. For that reason, more and more companies have decided to implement ERP solutions, which provide support to the majority of their business processes. ERP implementation is a complex and difficult project for any company to handle with. Therefore, a successful ERP implementation requires the companies to be well aware of the risks involved and to carefully plan, organize and implement the project. To improve its business operations the Institute of public health of Maribor (ZZV Maribor) has chosen to implement ERP system of Kopa d.d. They will approach the ERP implementation thoroughly, taking into consideration the guidelines for a successful implementation. As a result, the implemented solution will bring the company numerous benefits.
Secondary keywords: information system;ERP system Kopa;implementation;reengineering;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 74 str.
ID: 8726415