delo diplomskega seminarja
Rok Lešnik (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz štirih ključnih poglavij. Uvodoma je pojasnjen problem, na katerega se nanaša celotna naloga. Določene so predpostavke in omejitve. Postavljeni so tudi cilji, ki sem jih skušal doseči v diplomski nalogi. V drugem poglavju je predstavljen predvsem teoretični del naloge. Predstavljeno je kaj sploh je načrtovanje kadrov, vloga kadrovanja, metode, ki jih lahko uporabljamo pri kadrovanju, pogoji za uspešno kadrovanje ter problemi na katere lahko naletimo pri kadrovanju. V tretjem poglavju je opisan proces planiranja kadrov in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na proces planiranja. Bolj podrobno sta opisana dejavnika, kot sta fluktuacija in absentizem. Pomembno v tem poglavju je tudi načrtovanje človeških virov ter njihova uskladitev. Načrtovanje človeških virov je eno izmed najbolj pomembnih dejavnosti, če hoče biti podjetje uspešno, saj zadovoljni delavci širijo pozitivno vzdušje v podjetju, to pa se kaže v poslovnih rezultatih podjetja. V četrtem poglavju je opisano izbiranje novo zaposlenih v podjetju. Sam proces zaposlovanja, metode za izbiro novih kandidatov ter končna izbira zaposlenih. Izbira kandidatov je ena najbolj zahtevnih faz pridobivanja novih zaposlenih. Večina podjetij se v tej fazi odloči spoznati kandidata z najbolj razširjeno metodo - intervjujem. Ko je izbirni postopek končan, se mora management odločiti za najbolj primernega kandidata in ga nato tudi ustrezno uvesti v delo in seznaniti z organizacijo, ki ga je zaposlila.


kadri;zaposleni;delavci;človeški viri;management človeških virov;kadrovska politika;zaposlovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [R. Lešnik]
UDC: 331.108
COBISS: 11534620 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2763
Downloads: 392
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Staff planning in the company
Secondary abstract: The thesis is composed of four key chapters. First, it explains the problem to which the entire task is about. However, there are assumptions and limitations. There are also set goals that I have tried to achieve in this thesis. In the second chapter is presented mainly the theoretical part. Presented is what constitutes human resources planning, recruitment application, a method that can be used in recruitment, conditions for recruitment and the problems that you may encounter in staffing. The third chapter describes the process of human resource planning and the factors that influence the planning process. Describes more detailed factors such as employee turnover and absenteeism. Important in this chapter is human resource planning and their coordination. Human resource planning is one of the most important activities, if a company wants to be successful, happy workers spread a positive atmosphere in the company, and this is reflected in the operating results of the company. The fourth chapter describes the selection of new employees. Therefore the process of recruitment methods for the selection of new candidates and the final selection of employees. Selection of candidates is one of the most challenging phases of the acquisition of new employees. Most companies at this stage decide to get to know the candidate with the most widespread method-interview. Once the selection process is completed, the management should decide on the most suitable candidate and thereafter properly inducted and aware of the organization that employed him.
Secondary keywords: staff;organization;planning staff;workers;human resources;staffing;recruitment.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 41 str.
ID: 8726466
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