diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Vsak notranji nadzor se začne doma, v lastni hiši. Nadzor je del procesa upravljanja organizacije. Tudi obveščevalno-varnostne službe tu niso izjema, še več, notranji nadzor predstavlja osnovo vseh drugih, zunanjih nadzorov (Podbregar, 2012). Širša javnost ima malokdaj možnost brati o dejavnostih obveščevalno-varnostnih služb. Običajno se jih zasledi takrat, ko nekaj ne poteka tako, kot bi moralo, torej takrat, ko kršijo zakon. Dvom v nadzor, predvsem pa notranji nadzor nad njihovim delom, se pojavi takrat, ko kršijo zakon in mediji ali javnost tega ne izvedo. Zanimalo nas je, kateri so tisti instrumenti, ki državljanom in državljankam omogočajo vpogled nad delom služb, katerih narava dela je takšna, da je meja med dovoljenim in nedovoljenim tako zabrisana, da upravičeno vzbuja dvome, ali niso morda pravice državljanov in državljank kršene. Nadzor sodne, izvršne in zakonodajne oblasti je seveda zakonsko urejen, pa vendar ne moremo mimo vprašanja, kako poteka notranji nadzor nad delom varnostno-obveščevalnih služb. Razumemo lahko, da je njihovo delo zaradi narave informacij občutljivo, pa vendar, čemu služi notranji nadzor, če pa o ugotovitvah le-tega ne izvemo prav nič. Kakšen je pravzaprav namen tovrstnega nadzora? Za primerjavo smo v diplomskem delu vzeli Rusijo, način delovanja njenih varnostnih služb in nadzor nad njimi. Ni bilo vprašanje, kateri sistem nadzora je boljši, temveč, ali tovrstne službe smejo kršiti človekove pravice in svoboščine, ne da bi za to zakonsko odgovarjale. Gre za vprašanja etike, dostojanstva, pravičnosti in zakonitosti, do katerih smo državljani upravičeni, saj smo v medijih lahko zasledili, da je njihovo delovanje včasih tudi prekoračeno. Naloga kritično predstavlja osnovne pojme s področja notranjega nadzora nad obveščevalno-varnostnimi službami in spodbuja bralca k širšemu, predvsem pa konstruktivnemu razmišljanju.
obveščevalna dejavnost;varnostna dejavnost;obveščevalne službe;nadzor;notranji nadzor;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
M. Lindič] |
UDC: |
351.746.1(043.2) |
Views: |
1650 |
Downloads: |
367 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
Any internal oversight begins at home, in our own house. Oversight is part of the management process of the organization. In this sense, the intelligence and security services are no exception, and what is more, the internal oversight is the basis for all other, external oversights (Podbregar, 2012). The general public rarely has the opportunity to read about the activities of the intelligence and security services. Usually, they detect them when something does not go the way it should, i.e. when they break the law. Doubt as to the oversight appears, in particular to the internal oversight of their work when the law is violated, and the media or general public do not find out about it. We want to know what the instruments given to the citizens enabling an insight into the work of intelligence services are, since the nature of their work is such that the boundary between permissible and unlawful is so blurred that reasonable doubts, if citizens’ rights have not been violated, are oftentimes raised. The control of the judiciary, executive and legislative bodies, of course, is legally regulated; however, we cannot ignore the question of how an internal control of security intelligence works. It is well understood that due to the nature of the information they process, their work is sensitive, but what is an internal oversight good for if we know nothing about the results of their work. What then is the purpose of this type of oversight? For comparison, this thesis looks at Russia, and different ways of its security services and oversight. The question is not whose oversight system is better, but whether such services violate human and civil rights without being legally accountable. This is a question of ethics, dignity, justice and legality, to which citizens are entitled, for we can see in the media that the intelligence operations were sometimes exceeded. This thesis illustrates the basic concepts of the internal oversight of intelligence services and encourages the reader to a deeper and predominantly constructive thinking. |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
52 str. |
ID: |
8726472 |