magistrsko delo
Živimo v času, ko sta varnost in občutek varnosti pomemben dejavnik tako vsakega posameznika, kot tudi družbe v celoti. Ne mine dan, da ne bi zasledili podatka o vlomih, ropih, terorizmu, kriminalu in drugih ogrožanjih ljudstva, tako na domačem, kot na mednarodnem ozemlju. Počasi se bomo morali sprijazniti z dejstvom, da sta posameznik in družba nenehno izpostavljena številnim virom ogrožanja, ki so posledica procesov, ki potekajo znotraj družbe in so odsev njenega ekonomskega, socialnega in tehnično–tehnološkega razvoja, kar pomeni, da četudi država ni neposredno ogrožena, ni nujno, da se njeni prebivalci počutijo varne. Ko omenimo ogroženost države, lahko pomislimo na več dejavnikov, kateri prispevajo k varnosti države in s tem povezano, k varnosti državljanov. V Sloveniji se stanje varnosti v zadnjem času vrti predvsem okoli ekonomskih dejavnikov, na ravni države pa se govori o krizi in recesiji. V tem času varnost dojemamo bolj v smislu preživetja samega ter s tem povezanimi omejenimi finančnimi sredstvi. Po raziskavah javnega mnenja je eden izmed najbolj prepoznavnih dejavnikov ogrožanja varnosti v Sloveniji ravno brezposelnost. Na podlagi trenutne krize smo raziskali in poskušali prikazati nekaj osnovnih pojmov, ki so povezani z ogrožanjem varnosti, hkrati pa smo predstavili in interpretirali rezultate o dojemanju ogrožanja varnosti anketirancev, ki so sodelovali v naši raziskavi. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako demografski dejavniki, kot so spol, zakonski stan in tip naselja vplivajo na percepcijo ogrožanja varnosti Republike Slovenije. Ugotovili smo tudi ali se stopnja ogrožanja varnosti spreminja glede na časovno obdobje. Podatke in raziskavo za empirični del smo za leto 2007 poiskali na spletni aplikaciji Arhiva družboslovnih podatkov. Naredili smo torej sekundarno analizo že zbranih podatkov. Izbrano raziskavo so izdelali pri Obramboslovnem raziskovalnem centru in Centru za raziskovanje javnega mnenja. Ker smo želeli primerjati rezultate iz leta 2007 in 2013, smo januarja letos izdelali anketo v orodju za spletne ankete 1KA. Uporabili smo enakih 19 vprašanj o ogrožanju varnosti Slovenije. Za varnost morajo najprej poskrbeti posamezniki na individualni ravni, šele potem lahko pričakujejo namene in dejanja drugih članov sodobne družbe, ki lahko prispevajo k varnosti države kot celote.
nacionalna varnost;varnostna politika;obveščevalno-varnostna dejavnost;ogrožanje;terorizem;naravne nesreče;Slovenija;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
P. Hočevar] |
UDC: |
355.02(497.4)(043.2) |
Views: |
1900 |
Downloads: |
229 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
We live in a time, when security and a sense of security are important factors of each individual as well as society as a whole. A day does not go by without reference to the burglaries, robberies, terrorism, crime and other threats to people, both domestically and internationally. Slowly we will have to cope with the fact that the individual and the society are constantly exposed to numerous sources of threats as a result of the processes within the society and are the reflection of its economic, social and technical – technological development meaning that even if no direct threats to the country exist, it does not mean that its inhabitants feel safe. When we refer to the threat to the country, we can think of the number of factors, which contribute to the security of the country and the related–security of citizens. In recent times the security situation in Slovenia mainly revolves around economic factors, at the national level is referred to the crisis and recession. At this time the security is understood more in terms of the survival itself and related limited financial resources. According to public opinion surveys, one of the most distinctive factors of security threats in Slovenia is precisely unemployment. We researched and tried to present based on the current crisis some of the basic concepts related to security threats, and at the same time we presented and interpreted the results of perception of security threats of the respondents, who participated in our research. We were also interested how demographic factors such as gender, marital status and type of settlement affect the perception of security threat of the Republic of Slovenia. It was also determined that the degree of security threat varies according to the period of time. The source for the data and research for the empirical part for the year 2007 was the web application of the Social Science Data Archives. Thus the secondary analysis of the collected data was performed. The Defence Research Centre and the Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre elaborated the selected research. We created a survey in an online survey tool 1KA in January this year, since we wanted to compare the results of 2007 and 2013. The same 19 questions regarding the security threats of Slovenia were applied. Each individual must provide for security on his or hers individual basis, only then he or she can expect the intentions and activities of other members of the modern society, which may contribute to the security of the country as a whole. |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
62 str. |
ID: |
8726473 |