delo diplomskega seminarja


Univerzalni temeljni dohodek (UTD) je alternativni predlog trenutnemu socialnemu sistemu. Ta predvideva izplačilo temeljnega brezpogojnega dohodka vsakemu državljanu v višini zneska eksistenčnega minimuma oziroma praga revščine, ne glede na njegov socialni status in ne glede na to ali zaposlen ali nezaposlen. UTD bi pravičneje prerazporedil sredstva med državljani, aktivneje bi se soočil z revščino in njeno problematiko ter pripomogel k izboljšanju gospodarske aktivnosti z različnimi ukrepi kot je na primer spodbujanje podjetništva in fleksibilnejša delovna mesta. UTD predstavlja enostavnejše vodenje izplačil ter s tem nižje stroške predvsem na račun manj birokracije. Ob teh novostih, je UTD velikokrat tema polemik, saj si je po tolikih letih razprav pridobil tudi veliko kritikov predvsem na račun posledic, ki naj bi bile po njihovem škodljive. Ti menijo, da UTD krši načelo vzajemnosti, torej, da dohodek prejemajo tudi tisti, ki družbi ne prispevajo ničesar in se koristijo na račun države. V tem diplomskem seminarju smo dokazali smotrnost uvedbe sistema UTD, kajti rezultati so pokazali, da le ta prinaša proračunski prihranek, hkrati pa povečuje socialno okolje in osebno rast posameznika.


dohodek;revščina;univerzalni temeljni dohodek;UTD;trg dela;socialna varnost;socialna politika;socialni sistemi;socialna država;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Fajfar]
UDC: 304:331.2
COBISS: 11543836 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3358
Downloads: 753
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Universal basic income
Secondary abstract: Universal basic income (UBI) is an alternative proposal to the current social system. UBI provides unconditional basic income to every citizen in the amount of minimum standard of living, regardless of social status and regardless of whether person is employed or unemployed. UBI would reallocate resources more fairly among citizens and would confront poverty and its problems more actively. This would also help to improve economic activity through various measures such as promoting entrepreneurship and creating flexible jobs. UBI would lower costs of controlling the payments mostly due to less bureaucracy. UBI is topic of controversy mostly due to many years of discussion which helped to gain a lot of critics mainly due to harmful effects they say. They believe that UBI violates the principle of reciprocity. Citizens who do not contribute anything to society and only gain benefits on the expenses of the country should not receive a free income. Consequently, instead of creating more employment it would generate even more unemployment because many people would lose their motivation, critics say. In this seminar we demonstrated the usefulness of implementation of UBI, because the results showed that UBI brings the budget savings, while increasing social environment and personal growth of the individual.
Secondary keywords: Universal basic income;justice;poverty;principle of reciprocity;labor market;social policy;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 50 str.
ID: 8726683