magistrsko delo
Boštjan Tovšak (Author), Aleš Hace (Mentor), Milan Zorman (Co-mentor)


V Gorenju, d.d. se dokumentacija izdelkov vodi znotraj računalniško podprtega sistema SAP. Sistem SAP ima več modulov. Za obvladovanje tehnične dokumentacije se uporablja modul PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). PLM modul nima standardnega vmesnika za komunikacijo z aplikacijo CorelDraw, zato je potrebno izdelati ustrezne vmesnike. Aplikacija CorelDraw se uporablja za izdelavo risb grafike, filmov in šablon. Izdelavo in obdelavo risb grafike je potrebno vključiti v programski modul PLM kot sestavni del tehnične dokumentacije izdelkov. Problem predstavljajo tipografije pisav, ki morajo biti pri vseh uporabnikih, ki obdelujejo delovne originale, enake. Problem so tudi logotipi in večjezičnost, saj dokumentacijo obdelujejo tudi hčerinska podjetja v Evropski uniji. Tiskanje risb grafike iz originalne velikosti na privzeti format A3 zahteva prilagoditev velikosti teksta, kontur in kotirnih črt. Pozicioniranje glave s podatki na risbo predstavlja dodaten problem. Cilj je uvedba novega tipa dokumenta, izdelava statusne mreže, uporaba obstoječih avtorizacij dostopa, izdelava vmesnika za generiranje glave s podatki iz SAP-a, avtomatsko proženje vmesnika za generiranje glave, izdelava vmesnika za dodajanje glave na risbo, definiranje podpisnikov in povezava novega tipa dokumenta z obstoječim delotokom za potrjevanje dokumentacije. Za generiranje glave s podatki se izdela vmesnik v programskem jeziku C++ in z aplikacijo Spicer Imagenation. Generiranje tekstovne datoteke s podatki za glavo v SAP-u, proženje vmesnika za generiranje glave, tabela materialov in avtorizacije niso predmet naloge. Vmesnik za interaktivno dodajanje glave, vpis identov in tiskanje se izdela v VBA (Visual Basic for Aplications).


SAP PLM;delotok;DMS;PLM integracija;življenjski cikel izdelka;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [B. Tovšak]
UDC: 681.5:005.7(043)
COBISS: 605736 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1827
Downloads: 103
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Documentation in Gorenje, d.d. is managed with the computer supported system SAP PLM. SAP system has number of modules. PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) is used to manage technical documentation module. PLM module has no standard interface to communicate with application CorelDraw, therefore it is necessary to elaborate interfaces. The application CorelDraw is used to produce drawings, films, and printings. Processing of graphics drawing is required to be included in the PLM module software as an integral part of the technical documentation of products. The problem represents the typography of fonts, which must be the same at all users processing working originals. The problem appears with logos and multilingualism since the documentation is processed by subsidiaries in the European Union. Printing drawings from original size to default format A3 requires adjustments of text height, contours and dimension lines. Positioning of the head with the data on the drawing represents additional problem. The goal is an introduction of a new document type, creating a status network, usage of subsistential authorizations, creation an interface for head generation with data from SAP, automatic triggering of head generating interface, creation an interface adding head to drawing, definition of approvers and connection of new type document to subsistential workflow for approving documents. Interface for generating head is created with program language C++ and with application Spicer Imagenation. Generation of data text file for head in SAP, triggering an interface generating a head, table of materials and authorizations are not subjects of master degree. Interface for interactive head adding, idents inscription and printing is created in VBA (Visual Basic for applications).
Secondary keywords: SAP PLM;workflow;DMS;PLM integration;product lifecycle;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: IX, 68 str., [4] f. pril.
ID: 8726689
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