delo diplomskega seminarja
Špela Žaberl (Author), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Mentor)


V prvem poglavju smo opredelili problem dela diplomskega seminarja. Opredeli smo namen, cilje in postavili osnovne trditve. Zapisali smo predpostavke in omejitve ter predstavili predvidene raziskovalne metode. V drugem poglavju smo predstavili pomen in opredelili pojme destinacijski management, dostopnost destinacije ter dostopno turistično ponudbo v destinaciji. Dotaknili smo se tudi zgodovine dostopnega turizma, vrst posebnih in specifičnih potreb po prilagojeni ponudbi ter organizacij, ki ozaveščanju o dostopnem turizmu. V tretjem poglavju smo predstavili občino Rogaška Slatina kot občino, prijazno invalidom, v povezavi s tradicijo zdraviliškega turizma. Analizirali ponudbo dostopnega turizma v Rogaški Slatini glede na rezultate izvedenega anketiranja. V tem delu smo navedli tudi ugotovitve iz naloge in izdelali priporočila za prihodnje delo. V četrtem poglavju so navedene sklepne ugotovitve.


turizem;turistična ponudba;destinacije;management;dostopnost;osebe s posebnimi potrebami;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [Š. Žaberl]
UDC: 338.48:364.614.2
COBISS: 11588380 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2613
Downloads: 403
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Accessible tourism
Secondary abstract: The first chapter defines the theme of the diploma thesis. It defines the purpose and the targets, and sets out the basic propositions. We wrote down the assumptions and limitations, and presented the foreseen research methods. In the second chapter we defined the concept and presented the meaning of destination management, the destination accessibility and accessible tourist offer in destination. We also touched upon the history of accessible tourism, sorts of special and specific needs in adjusted offer and organizations that raise awareness of accessible tourism. In the third chapter we presented the municipality of Rogaska Slatina as a municipality which is kind to people with disabilities in relation to the tradition of health tourism. We analyzed the accessible tourism in Rogaska Slatina, according to the survey carried out on the basis of the questionnaire; the sample was attached to the thesis. In this section we listed the findings of the tasks and recommendations for future work.
Secondary keywords: Destination management;tourist destination;accessibility;accessible tourism;disability;people with disabilities;Rogaska Slatina;"Town kind to the disabled.";
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 33 str.
ID: 8726718
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