diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov
Špela Gradišnik (Author), Vesna Novak (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali problematiko komunikacije v zdravstvenih organizacijah. Podali smo nekaj teorij o komunikaciji in komuniciranju. Ker zdravstveno osebje do pacientov uporablja tako verbalno kot neverbalno komunikacijo, smo temu dali poseben poudarek. Ker pa je potrebno tudi znati pravilno komunicirati, da se pravilno odzovemo v nastali situaciji, je potrebno omeniti tudi medosebno komunikacijo. Tako smo v teoretičnem delu povzeli glavne sestavine komunikacije in potrebne lastnosti, ki jih morajo upoštevati tako zdravstveno osebje kot pacienti, da bi delo potekalo nemoteno in brez konfliktov. V empiričnem delu pa smo naredili raziskavo na področju komunikacije, in sicer v Zdravstvenem domu Šentvid. Bili smo zelo pozitivno presenečeni nad dobrimi rezultati ankete, saj v Zdravstvenem domu Šentvid nimajo posebnih težav s komunikacijo. Težave se dogajajo v zelo majhnem odstotku, tako da so skoraj zanemarljive. Edina težava, s katero se srečujejo, je zasedenost telefonskih linij. Vzrok je lahko v dejstvu, da pacienti premalo spremljajo tekoče dogajanje oziroma premalo spremljajo spletno stran, kjer so po navadi prikazane vse spremembe. Zato smo predlagali da bi vsi tisti, ki imajo omogočen dostop do interneta, temu posvečali večjo pozornost, saj bi s tem verjetno kar precej zmanjšali število telefonskih klicev.


komunikacija;zdravstveno osebje;pacienti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [Š. Gradišnik]
UDC: 005.57
COBISS: 7205907 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1363
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the thesis, we addressed the problem of communication in health care organizations. We made a couple of theories about communication and communicating. Medical staff uses both verbal and non-verbal communication with patients, so we felt it was important to give this special attention. It is essential to be able to communicate properly, because both partys need to respond correctly in the given situation, it is important also to interpersonal communication. Thus, we summarize the theoretical part of the major components of the communication and the properties that are required to be recognized by both medical staff and patients so that work can be conducted smoothly and without conflict. In the empirical part, we did the research in the field of communication and carried out in the Health Centre Šentvid. We were very positively surprised by the good results of the survey, because there are no special problems with communication, problems occur in a very small percentage, so they are almost negligible. The only problem faced is the occupancy of telephone lines. We believe that this is due to a patients lack of monitoring ongoing developments and their website, where they usually show any changes. Therefore, we believe that if those who are able to access the internet devote more attention to it, this would probably do quite a bit to reduce number of phone calls.
Secondary keywords: communication;communication in health care organizations;medical staff;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijo dela
Pages: 48 f.
ID: 8726757