delo diplomskega seminarja
Barbara Fortner (Author), Vita Jagrič (Mentor)


Kriza je imela velik vpliv na socialne transferje, saj je vodila k višanju izdatkov in virov financiranja. Gibanje obeh je bilo v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem podobno, razlika je le v višini, saj ima Hrvaška ves čas nižje izdatke in vire financiranja glede na dosežen BDP v posameznem letu, kot Slovenija. Hkrati z povečevanjem izdatkov in virov financiranja, se v obeh državah povečuje število upravičencev do socialne pomoči. Na prvi pogled bi marsikdo sklepal, da višanje virov in izdatkov vodi v višanje socialne pomoči, vendar temu ni tako. Priča smo velikemu naraščanju upravičencev do socialne pomoči, kar pa kljub naraščanju virov in izdatkov namenjenih za to skupini, ne pomeni višje socialne pomoči. Nasprotno. Priča smo velikemu zmanjšanju socialne pomoči in zaostrovanju pogojev za dodelitev le te. Zaradi tega živi veliko državljanov obeh držav v strahu pred jutrišnjim dnem. Eden izmed zelo pomembnih ciljev vsake države je zagotavljanje in vzpostavljanje »socialne države«, ki ima zelo dobro urejeno področje socialne politike, kar pa v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem trenutno ne moremo videti. Vzgled so nam lahko skandinavske države, ki so po urejenosti socialne politike na vodilnih mestih.


gospodarske krize;socialni transferji;socialna varnost;socialna država;brezposelnost;viri financiranja;Slovenija;Hrvaška;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Fortner]
UDC: 364(497.4:497.5)
COBISS: 11550236 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1456
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparing the impacts of the crisis on social transfers in Croatia and Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Financal crisis has had a major impact on social transfers. It has led to higher government expense and higher sources to finance. The movement of both transfers in Slovenia and Croatia, was similar. The only difference was the altitude of transfers, because Croatia has lower expences and sorces to finance, compared to Slovenia. The reason for this difference is that Croatia has consistently lower expenditures and sources to finance, which are depended on the size of national GDP. At the same time with the increasing of expenses and sources to finance, in both countrie increases the number of recipients of social assistance. At first glance we would assume that the raising of revenue for social transfers and the expenses, leads to increasing of social assistence. But it does not. The sources and expenses are rising because of the rising number of recipients of social assistence. The problem is also in significant reduction of social assistence, and we are witness to tightening the conditions for granting. Because of this, many citizens of both countries, live in fear. One of the most important goals of each coutry is to provide and to restore the »social state«, which has very well organized social policy. That is something we, unfutunatly can not see in Croatia and Slovenia. A good example of good organized social policy are Scandinavian coutries, which have the best social policy in the world.
Secondary keywords: Crisis;social transfers;funding of social protection;social protection expenditure;unemployment;Slovenia;Croatia;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 45 str.
ID: 8726769