diplomsko delo
Tina Čukec (Author), Vladimir Drozg (Mentor)


Kot alternativa konvencionalnemu kmetijstvu se v zadnjih letih vedno bolj razvija ekološko kmetijstvo. Gre za trajnostni način kmetovanja, ki ne onesnažuje okolja in upošteva naravne zakonitosti ekosistemov. Ob tem zagotavlja pridelovanje zdrave hrane brez ostankov pesticidov in gensko spremenjenih organizmov. Pri porabnikih se v zadnjih letih veča okoljska zavest, zato se vedno bolj odločajo za nakup ekološko pridelanih živil. Z razvojem ekološkega kmetijstva v Sloveniji se veča tudi ponudba ekološko pridelane hrane. Kot ena izmed oblik trženja ekološko pridelanih živil so se v zadnjih letih uveljavile ekološke tržnice. V Mariboru se ekološke tržnice nahajajo na Glavnem trgu in v Europarku. Na Trgu svobode se nahaja tržnica integrirane pridelave. V diplomskem delu želim ugotoviti socialno sestavo prodajalcev ekološko pridelanih živil, njihov krajevni izvor ter vzroke in motive, zaradi katerih so se odločili prodajati na ekološki tržnici. Prav tako želim ugotoviti socialno sestavo kupcev, ki se oskrbujejo na ekoloških tržnicah, njihov krajevni izvor ter vzroke in motive, zaradi katerih so se odločili oskrbovati z ekološko pridelanimi živili.


diplomska dela;ekološko kmetijstvo;ekološka tržnica;oskrba;Maribor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Čukec]
UDC: 631.147(497.4Maribor)(043.2)
COBISS: 20136712 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1407
Downloads: 188
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Organic food markets in Maribor
Secondary abstract: Organic farming has been developing more and more as an alternative to the conventional farming over the past years. Organic farming is about the sustainable way of farming, which does not pollute the environment and takes the natural laws of ecosystems into account. On top of that, organic farming ensures the production of healthy food without any traces of pesticides and genetically modified organisms. The number of consumers who are environmentally conscious has been increasing over the last years, that is why they have increasingly been deciding to buy organic food. The supply of organic food has been increasing because of the development of organic farming in Slovenia. Recently, organic markets have become a popular way of marketing organic foodstuffs. In Maribor, organic markets can be found on the Glavni trg (outdoors) and in a shopping centre Europark (indoors). On another location Trg svobode there is a market which sells the food produced in an integrated way. In my thesis I am trying to find out the social status of the vendors of organic foodstuffs, where they come from and what their motives for selling organic food on organic markets are. I am trying to find out the social status of the buyers who buy food on organic markets, where they come from and what motives they have for buying organic food.
Secondary keywords: organic farming;organic market;supply;Maribor;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: VIII, [140] f.
ID: 8726791
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