diplomsko delo


Ženski subjekt je v zgodovini književnosti obravnavan nemalokrat in z različnih vidikov. Ženska je služabnica, je fatalna ženska, je ženska, ki se žrtvuje za svoje otroke, ali ženska, ki živi sama in je neodvisna od drugih. Sama sem podrobneje prebirala angleško književnost 19. stoletja in se ustavila pri predstavnici viktorijanske dobe, Charlotte Brontë, pisateljici, pišoči o ženski, ki se začne osamosvajati in jo zato obravnavajo kot osebo z lastnim mišljenjem in jazom. V diplomskem delu sem analizirala njena tri dela z naslovi Jane Eyre, Shirley in Villette, kjer imajo glavno besedo prav ženske, ki si prizadevajo postati samostojne in ne podrejene moškemu. So odločne ženske, ki si z lastnim razumom in delovnimi rokami utirajo pot v lepše življenje. Zaradi pisateljičinega zanimivega življenja sem se odločila poiskati avtobiografske prvine v prej omenjenih delih, saj sem sklepala, da je marsikateri del njenega življenja kasneje postal navdih za odlomek v kakšnem izmed njenih romanov. In res se je izkazalo tako. S pomočjo teorije o avtobiografiji in avtobiografskem romanu in podrobnim raziskovanjem o njenem življenju in obdobju, v katerem je živela, sem ugotovila, da je pisateljica mnogo lastnih doživetij zlila na papir. Osebe, ki jih je dejansko poznala, je uporabila za like v svojih romanih. Glavnim junakinjam je podala takšno žensko osebnost, kot je bila deloma sama ali si je to želela biti. Odločna, močna ženska, ki za svoje srečno življenje ne potrebuje bogatega moškega, ampak ji moški predstavlja enakovrednega sopotnika v ljubečem zakonu.


diplomska dela;avtobiografija;avtobiografski romani;angleška književnost;Bronte;Charlottë;1816-1855;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Hofbauer]
UDC: 821.111(043.2)
COBISS: 20053768 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1630
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂA ǂcomparative analysis of Charlotte Brontë's selected novels from the perspective of autobiographical elements and social status of the female subject
Secondary abstract: Female subject has been often analysed from different perspectives in the history of literature. Female is a maid, a femme fatale, a woman, who sacrifices herself for her children, or she is a woman, who lives alone and is independent. I have read 19th century English literature and I have especially put emphasis on Charlotte Brontë, the writer of the Victorian period, who was a woman writer, who stared to become independent and thus she was treated as a person with her own way of thinking. In the diploma three of her works have been analysed, those are Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette. In all of them there is emphasis on women, who want to become independent and not subordinate to man. Those are decisive women, who want to find a better life with their own intellect and hands. Since the novelist had a very interesting life I decided to search for autobiographical features in previously mentioned novels. I have concluded that she got inspiration for some parts of the novels from many parts of her own life. I have proven that this was the case. Theory about autobiography and autobiographical novel, and detailed research about writer's life and literary period were used to come to the conclusion that the writer used many aspects from her own life in her novels. People who she knew in her real life were inspirations for characters in her novels. Her heroines were given such female personalities that were similar to her own or a personality which Brontë wanted to have. Her heroines are decisive and strong females, who do not need a rich man for their own happy lives; they see their man as an equal life partner in a loving marriage.
Secondary keywords: Charlotte Brontë;autobiography;autobiographical novel;sentimental novel;Jane Eyre;Shirley;Villette;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: 73 f.
ID: 8726859