case of the company Salus, Ltd.
Eva Rek (Author), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


V diplomskem seminarju so opredeljeni in raziskani pojmi družbene odgovornosti, družbeno odgovorno podjetje, deležniki, skupine deležnikov in odnosi do skupin deležnikov. Družbena odgovornost je predstavljena kot širok pojem, ki ni usmerjena le k ekonomskim ciljem podjetja. Obsega obveznosti, ki jih ima podjetje do posameznikov, skupin organizacij in okolij, na katere lahko vpliva njegovo delovanje. Pomeni, da je podjetje odgovorno za svoje aktivnosti, ki vplivajo na ljudi, skupnosti in njegovo okolje. Družbena odgovornost narekuje podjetjem, naj izvajajo aktivnosti, ki so dobre za širše okolje, kar ne pomeni, da naj zanemarijo usmerjenost k ekonomskim ciljem, temveč so mora odzvati tako kot na ekonomske kot tudi na družbene zahteve. Deležnik je lahko vsak ali ključna skupina ljudi, od katerih je odvisna prihodnost organizacije. Lahko imajo koristi od uspeha organizacije ali so podvrženi vplivu njenega vedenja. Deležniki so tisti posamezniki, ki jih odločitve, dejanja, politike, ravnanja in cilji določene organizacije kakor koli zadevajo, pa tudi tisti, ki lahko s svojimi odločitvami in dejanji vplivajo na organizacijo. Dobre odnose lahko pojmujemo kot dobro naložbo. Ohranjanje odnosov do notranjih, kakor tudi do zunanjih deležnikov je vse večjega pomena za uspešno poslovanje podjetij, saj podjetju prinašajo dobra sodelovanja, ugled in s tem konkurenčno prednost.


podjetje;družbena odgovornost;deležniki;ugled;poslovanje podjetja;poslovna uspešnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [E. Rek]
UDC: 005.35
COBISS: 11590428 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3166
Downloads: 434
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relationship to the main groups of stakeholders
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis concepts of social responsibility, social responsible company, stakeholders, stakeholder groups and relationships with stakeholder groups are defined and explored. Social responsibility is presented as a broad term that is not directed just to the economic goals of the company. It includes commitments of companies towards individuals, organizational groups and environments, which may be affected by company's operation. This means that the company is responsible for their activities, which affect people, communities and their environment. Social responsibility requires from companies to implement activities that are beneficial for the wider environment, which does not mean that they should ignore their focus on economic goals, but that they have to respond to the social requirements as well as to the economic requirements. A Stakeholder can be any individual or group of people, which determines the future of the company. They can benefit from the success of the organization or can be a subject of the influence of the company’s behaviour. Stakeholders are those individuals, who are affected by decisions, actions, policies, practices and objectives of an organization as well as those, who can affect the organization through their decisions and actions. Good relationships can be seen as a good investment. Maintaining good relations with internal as well as external stakeholders, has a constantly growing importance for a successful business, as it brings good business cooperation, good reputation and competitive advantage with it.
Secondary keywords: company's reputation;relationships with stakeholder groups;social responsibility;social responsible company;stakeholders.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 67 str.
ID: 8726901