diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Maja Berk (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor), Viktor Zupančič (Co-mentor)


Ena izmed najbolj stresnih nalog policistov je sporočanje slabe novice. Slaba novica je vsaka novica, ki drastično in negativno vpliva na prihodnost posameznika. Policisti se srečujejo s sporočanjem več vrst slabih novic: v primeru umora, posilstva, prometne nesreče, gorske nesreče, samomora, v primerih kaznivih dejanj in podobno. Zelo pomembno je kako policisti sporočijo takšno novico, saj se morajo zavedati, da je že sama novica za prejemnika dovolj stresna in da lahko z načinom, kako jo bodo sporočili, situacijo le še poslabšajo. Pri sporočanju je zelo pomembna tudi policistova osebna naravnanost in zaznavni položaji. Osebna naravnanost je način kako občutimo sebe in druge ljudi ter določa ali sebe in druge doživljamo kot spoštovanja vredna bitja, zato pomembno vpliva na komunikacijo z drugimi. Ker ni vseeno, kako policisti sporočijo slabo novico, bodo to storili preveč čustveno, z razumevanjem ali z lahkoto, so pomembni tudi zaznavni položaji kot samokontrola ob sporočanju. Vsak dogodek, ki je za nas pomemben, aktivira naša čustva, ki so lahko prijetna ali neprijetna. Pojav različnih čustev je odvisen od naše ocene kritičnega dogodka. Pri sporočanju slabe novice so običajno prisotna neprijetna čustva, to so strah, žalost in jeza. Sporočanje slabe novice bi naj potekalo kot dobro utečen, a hkrati fleksibilen postopek, v treh fazah: priprava na sporočanje, sporočanje in ukrepi po sporočanju. V prvi fazi policisti zberejo čim več podatkov o dogodku, žrtvi in svojcih. Druga faza je hkrati tudi najtežji del celotne naloge za policiste, upoštevajoč že omenjeno osebno naravnanost, zaznavne položaje, čustva, itn. V tretji fazi pa morajo biti policisti poleg dajanja nasvetov seznanjeni tudi z ukrepi obvladovanja stresa. V tem poglavju si bomo ogledali tudi katere so tiste priporočljive besede ob takšnem sporočanju in katerih besed se je dobro izogibati. Za boljšo predstavo bom opisala tudi nekaj primerov iz prakse, ki terjajo sporočanje slabe novice. Pri sporočanju slabe novice morajo biti policisti previdni in pripravljeni na vrsto intenzivnih emocionalnih odzivov. Svojci ob obvestilu zelo različno reagirajo, kar je odvisno od njihovih individualnih lastnosti. Udeleženost bližnjega v hujšem travmatskem dogodku ali izguba svojca pomeni eno najhujših stisk v življenju, zato je žalovanje normalna reakcija. Žalovanje poteka v štirih fazah: šok in čustvena otopelost, protest in hrepenenje, brezup in dezorganizacija ter izboljšanje oziroma reorganizacija. Pogledali si bomo koliko časa traja posamezna faza in kam vse se lahko obrnejo svojci v primeru, da potrebujejo pomoč ali podporo. Ne smemo pa pozabiti, da je sporočanje slabe novice stresno tudi za policiste, ki prav tako ob tem doživljajo številna neprijetna čustva in so zanje lahko zelo obremenjujoča, zato je nujno, da se jim zagotovi pogovor s svetovalcem oziroma strokovnjakom, ki jim lahko pomaga pri premagovanju takšnih problemov. Pogledali si bomo kakšno vrsto psihosocialne pomoči (če sploh) policija kot organ ponuja svojim policistom. Na koncu bo sledil še pregled usposabljanja policistov na tem področju in intervju z izvajalcem usposabljanj v policiji ter moj pogled na sporočanje slabe novice.


policija;policisti;nesreče;sporočanje;obveščanje;žrtve;ponesrečenci;svojci;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: M. Berk]
UDC: 351.741(043.2)
COBISS: 2691050 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1676
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: One of many stressful tasks police officers are required to perform is delivering of a bad news. Bad news is any news which drastically and negatively affects the future of an individual. Police officers face having to deliver several kinds of bad news: in cases of homicides, rape, accidents in traffic, mountain accidents, suicide and various other cases of criminal offences. It is very important how police officers deliver such news, they must be aware that the news itself is stressful for the recipient and that they can make the situation significantly worse with the way they pass the news. Very important during the communication are personal stance and perceptual positions. Personal stance is the way we perceive ourselves and other people, it determines whether we see ourselves and other people as worthy of respect, and therefore affects our communication with others significantly. Since the way police officers deliver bad news matters – if they do it too emotionally, with understanding or too lightly, their perceptual positions and self-control during communication also play an important role. Each event that we find important activates our emotions, which can be pleasant or unpleasant. The appearance of different emotions depends on our evaluation of a critical event. During the communication of bad news we deal with unpleasant emotions – fear, sadness and anger. Delivering of a bad news should be performed as a well run and yet flexible process in three phases: preparation for communication, communication and measures for controlling stress and finally, post-communication measures. The first phase requires that the police officers acquire as many information about the event, the victim and their family member. The second phase is the most challenging part of the task, where the afore-mentioned personal stance, perceptual positions and emotions must be considered. The third phase requires the police officers to advise the recipient, and be competent in measures for stress-control. In this chapter I will mention particular words recommended during this kind of communication, and also the words which should, on the other hand, be avoided in these situations. I will then deal with some practical cases dealing with delivering of a bad news. During the communication, the police officers must be careful and well-prepared for a series of intense emotional responses. Family members react very differently depending on their personal characteristics. Participation in a severe traumatic event or a loss of a family member is the biggest hardships in a person's life, so grief is a normal reaction. Grieving happens in four phases: shock and emotional numbness, protest and longing, loss of hope and disorganisation. We will take a look at how long a certain phase lasts and where family members can turn for helps and support. We must keep in mind that delivering of bad news is also stressful for police officers, who also go through a number of unpleasant emotions that can be very burdensome for them, which means it is also necessary to ensure that they have the possibility to talk to a counsellor/expert, who can help them overcome such difficulties. We will look at what kind of psychological help (if any) police as a whole provides for their officers. Finally, we will see how police officers are trained in this area, I will perform an interview with a conductor of these training activities in the police force and include my own view of the main issues regarding delivering of bad news in conclusion.
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 70 str.
ID: 8727071
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