ǂthe ǂcase of Enma, d.o.o.
Katja Maučec (Author), Matej Rus (Mentor)


V Sloveniji imamo 85 % družinskih podjetij, ki so še vedno v rokah prve generacije. Dolgoletne izkušnje so pokazale, da prenos na naslednjo generacijo preživi le tretjina družinskih podjetij. V družinskem podjetju ENMA, d. o. o., je ustanovitelj še vedno vodja podjetja, zato do prenosa nasledstva še ni prišlo. Raziskave so potrdile, da je v družinskem podjetju prisotno veliko potrpežljivosti, usklajevanja interesov in medsebojnega razumevanja družinskih in nedružinskih članov. Veliko energije in talentov, ki jih posamezniki dokazujejo v podjetju, potrebujejo, da bi bili vsi enotni in bi jih obravnavali enako, vendar to ni mogoče. Do sporov v družinskem podjetju večkrat prihaja zaradi različnega razmišljanja generacij in tako se tudi v podjetju ENMA, d. o. o., srečujejo s takimi posledicami. Ker sta v podjetju prisotni dve generaciji, je toliko težje izpostaviti mnenja in določena pravila, ki jih je pozneje pomembno združiti v družinsko ustavo. Ustanovitelj podjetja ENMA, d. o. o., se ne obremenjuje z razmišljanjem o nasledstvu podjetja, ker je naslednik v podjetju že določen, ampak razmišlja o tem, kaj je dobro za prihodnost družinskega podjetja. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili definicijo družinskega podjetja, njegove prednosti in slabosti ter odnose med družinskimi člani. Zanimalo nas je, kdo so lahko ključni ljudje v družinskem podjetju in kako različni avtorji proučujejo probleme izziva prenosa nasledstva na naslednjo generacijo. Praktični del smo razdelili na dve izhodiščni točki. V prvi izhodiščni točki smo se osredotočili na začetno delovanje podjetja, kjer smo skušali predstaviti, kako je ustanovitelj s svojimi prvimi izkušnjami s podjetjem uspel. V drugi izhodiščni točki pa smo se osredotočili na današnje delovanje podjetja in predstavili vključitev družinskih članov v podjetje ter opisali njihove funkcije dela v podjetju. Opisali smo družinske odnose in medsebojne konflikte v družinskem podjetju ter na primeru faze družinskega podjetja, kot sta jo opredelila Churchill in Hatten, predstavili izziv prenosa družinskega podjetja na naslednjo generacijo »oče–sin« na primeru ENMA, d. o. o.


družinsko podjetje;nasledstvo;prenos;medosebni odnosi;generacije;podjetništvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Maučec]
UDC: 334.722.24
COBISS: 11575836 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1530
Downloads: 158
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Challenges in family business succession
Secondary abstract: 85% of all Slovenian companies are family-owned businesses still owned and run by their first owner. Years of experience show that only one third of family businesses survive and are passed on to the next generation. The family-run business ENMA d.o.o. has been under the same management since its creation and has not passed the torch yet. The researches show that family businesses require a lot of patience, reconciliation of interests and mutual understanding between family and non-family members. A lot of energy and talent of individuals are invested in family businesses; in return these individuals expect to be treated equally, which, however, is impossible. Most quarrels in family companies derive from generational differences and differences in opinion. In ENAM d.o.o. the employees are facing the same problem. Since the company is run by two different generations it is even more difficult to merge the opinions and rules into a joint family constitution. The founder of ENAM d.o.o. is not burdened by thoughts about the company`s succession, because the successor has already been appointed. This way the founder can focus on more important things regarding the future of his family business. In the theoretical part of this diploma thesis we tried to introduce the definition family business, state its advantages and disadvantages and present the relations among family members. We wanted to identify the main characters in family businesses and look into the studies of different writers dealing with the challenges of business transfer to the next generation. The practical part consists of two points. In point one we focused on how ENMA d.o.o. started its business and tried to anticipate what turned its founder with almost no experience into such a successful entrepreneur. In point two we focused on today, introduced the inclusion of family members into the mentioned company and described their duties at work. We presented the family relations and conflicts in the family business and on the example of ENMA d.o.o. introduced the challenges of business transfer to the next generation »father – son ». Thereby we took into account the phases of running a family business determined by Churchill in Hatten.
Secondary keywords: family business;family relations;the challenges of business transfer to the second generation;the ENMA d.o.o. company;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 53 str.
ID: 8727179