diplomsko delo
Anja Senekovič (Author), Bojan Musil (Mentor), Marija Javornik Krečič (Mentor), Sara Tement (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo preiskovali stres in izgorelost med šolskimi svetovalnimi delavci. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljena poglavja o stresu, stresu na delovnem mestu, izgorelosti (na delovnem mestu) in o svetovalnem delu. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki je bila izvedena med svetovalnimi delavci, zaposlenimi v vrtcih, osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Opravljena je bila z namenom, da bi opozorili na problem izgorevanja, ki vse pogosteje ogroža izvajalce različnih oblik pomoči. Cilj raziskave je njihovo ovrednotenje doživljanja stresa in izgorelosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da svetovalne delavke v primerjavi s svetovalnimi delavci doživljajo nižjo raven čustvene izčrpanosti, višjo stopnjo depersonalizacije in nižjo stopnjo osebne učinkovitosti, medtem ko z delovno dobo omenjeni vidiki ne naraščajo. Pričakovan stres zaradi delovnih nalog vpliva na večjo izgorelost, svetovalne delavke pa zaradi slednjih doživljajo večjo stopnjo stresnosti. Ugotovljeno je, da z naraščanjem delovne dobe narašča tudi stopnja stresnosti delovnih nalog. Rezultati so potrdili obstoj pozitivne povezanosti med izgorelostjo in konfliktom zaradi dela in družine ter obstoj negativne povezanosti med izgorelostjo in obogatitvijo zaradi dela in družine. Izgorelost in opora s strani sodelavcev in družine sta negativno povezani.


diplomska dela;stres;izgorelost;svetovalno delo;vrtci;osnovne šole;srednje šole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Senekovič]
UDC: 37(043.2)
COBISS: 20075528 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1951
Downloads: 352
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Job-related stress and burnout among school counsellors
Secondary abstract: This thesis investigated the stress and burnout among school counsellors. The theoretical part presents chapters on stress, stress at work, burnout (in the workplace) and counselling. The empirical part presents the survey, which was conducted among counsellors employed in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. It was carried out in order to draw attention to the problem of combustion which increasingly threatens the artists of various forms of assistance. Aim of the study was the evaluation of their experience of stress and burnout. The results showed that female counsellors in comparison to male counsellors experienced lower levels of emotional exhaustion, higher level of depersonalization and a lower level of personal effectiveness. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned aspects of working life are not increasing. Expected stress caused by work tasks affects a greater burnout, so counsellors experience a greater degree of stress. It was found that with increasing seniority increases also the rate of stressful tasks. The results confirmed the existence of a positive relationship between burnout and conflict because of the work and family, and the existence of a negative relationship between burnout and enrichment due to work and family. Burnout and support from colleagues and family are negatively correlated.
Secondary keywords: stress;stress at work;burnout (in the workplace);counselling;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko, Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: V, [120] f.
ID: 8727192