(diplomsko delo)
Marta Padežnik (Author), Milena Pišlar (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Stresne situacije predstavljajo del našega vsakdana, še posebej pa smo negativnim vplivom stresa izpostavljeni na delovnem mestu, kjer po večini preživimo tretjino svojega življenja. V diplomskem delu smo opisali stres ter vpliv stresa na posameznika. Opisali smo problematiko izgorelosti, osredotočili pa smo se tudi na doživljanje stresa pri operacijskih medicinskih sestrah ter strategije za učinkovito obvladovanje le tega. Namen raziskave: Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotovili, kaj povzroča stresne situacije med operacijskimi medicinskimi sestrami, kakšen vpliv ima stres na njihovo delo ter kako se stresom spoprijemajo na delovnem mestu. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo tudi, kateri načini bi po njihovem mnenju pripomogli k zmanjšanju stresnih situacij na delovnem mestu. Metodologija raziskovanja: Kot instrument raziskave smo uporabili anonimen anketni vprašalnik, ki se je vseboval 12 vprašanj zaprtega in 3 vprašanja polodprtega tipa. Raziskavo smo izvedi decembra 2012 v operacijskem bloku UKC Maribor med 50 člani negovalnega tima, kar predstavlja polovico vseh članov negovalnega tima, ki so zaposleni v operacijskem bloku. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so glavni povzročitelji stresa na delovnem mestu anketiranih operacijskih medicinskih sester predvsem slabi medsebojni odnosi med zaposlenimi, časovni pritiski, hiter tempo dela, slaba organizacija in pomanjkanje informacij. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da anketiranci kot neposredni vpliv stresa na delovnem mestu občutijo v obliki razdražljivosti, pri tem navajajo tudi težave s koncentracijo. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da si pri soočanju s stresom pogosto določijo prednostne naloge ali se poskušajo umiriti in zadevo dobro premisliti, določeni anketiranci si stresne situacije na delovnem mestu omilijo tako, da si vzamejo odmor. Sodelujoči v raziskavi vidijo priložnosti za zmanjševanje stresnih situacij na delovnem mestu predvsem v boljši organizaciji in v večji kadrovski zasedbi. Sklep: Delo operacijskih medicinskih sester je izredno dinamično in naporno. Pri svojem delu sodelujejo z različnimi strokovnjaki medicinske in zdravstvene stroke, zato se morajo znati prilagajati v prid nemotenega in kakovostno opravljenega dela različnim zahtevam in potrebam posameznikov multidisciplinarnega tima. Na delo operacijskih medicinskih sester vsekakor vpliva tudi specifika dela v operacijskih dvoranah, kjer se le-te dnevno srečujejo z izpostavljenostjo različnim virom sevanj, možnim okužbam, urezninam ter delom z hudo bolnimi in prizadetimi pacienti. K stresnosti dela operacijskih medicinskih sester v veliki meri prispevajo obsežni in zahtevni operativni programi, premalo kadra, slaba organizacija in nemalokrat nekolegialni odnosi med člani negovalnega tima. K zmanjševanju stresa bi v veliki meri pripomogla tudi boljša organizacija dela ter večja kadrovska zasedba, v prid česar govori tudi raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli.


stres;zdravstvena nega;operacijske medicinske sestre;obvladovanje stresa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Padežnik]
UDC: 159.944.4:616-089-083(043.2)
COBISS: 1969572 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1833
Downloads: 282
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Theoretical starting-points: Stressful situations are a part of our everyday life, especially we can experience negative stress while working, because there we spend one third of our life. In the thesis we described stress and the influence of stress on the individual. We described the problems of burning out and we focused on the experiencing stress with the surgery nurses and on the strategies for the effective controlling of stress. The purpose of the research: With the research we wanted to ascertain what causes stressful situations among surgery nurses, what kind of influence stress has on their work and how they cope stress while working. We also wanted to ascertain which methods would help to reduce stressful situations. Methodology of the research: We used the anonymous poll with 12 questions od the closed type and 3 questions of the half-opened type. We did the research in December 2012 in operating department in UKC Maribor among 50 members of the nursing team, what represents one half of all the members of the employed nursing team. The results: The results of the research have shown that the main causers of stress in the working place of the inquired surgery nurses are above all bad mutual relations among the employees, time pressure, the tempo of work, bad organization and lack of infromation. Moreover, we have become aware that the inquired people become irritable under the influence of stress and the also have problems with concentration. The research has also shown that when they confront with stress, some of them establish preferential tasks or they try to calm down and think about the matter, while the others take a break. The perticipants of the research see the opportunities for reducing the stressfull situations in working place mostly in better organization and in larger cadre number The conclusion: The work of surgery nurses is dynamic and tiring. While working they cooperate with different experts of medical and health profession, that is why they have to know how to adjust to different demands and needs of the individuals of the multidisciplinary team to assure undisturbed and well performed work. The work of the surgery nurses is also influenced by the specific of work in a surgery , where they confront with different radiation, possible infections, cuts, and also with the work of handicapped patients and patients with serious illnesses. Moreover, the reasons for stress are also extensive and exacting operating programs, the lack of cadre, bad organization and also non-collegial relationships among the members of the nursing team. A better organization of work and a larger cadre number would contribute to the reduction of stress, which is shown in the carried out research.
Secondary keywords: stress;nursing;surgery nurse;to control stress;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 57 f., 7 f. pril.
ID: 8727207