magistrsko delo
Liljana Hauc (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Pogajanja danes srečamo na vsakem koraku, bodisi v zasebnem življenju, bodisi tudi v poslovnem svetu. Vstop v EU, globalizacija in želja po rasti in vključevanju podjetij na mednarodni trg je povzročila, da so podjetja pričela poslovno sodelovati tudi s tujimi poslovnimi partnerji, kar je posledično privedlo do izrednega napredka na področju pogajalskih tehnik in taktik. Ne glede na to, ali se podjetja pogajajo s slovenskimi partnerji ali poslovno sodelujejo s tujimi, je pomembno le nekaj. Pogajanja moramo znati dobro načrtovati, izuriti moramo naše pogajalske tehnike in se znati prilagoditi različnim vrstam pogajalcev. Poslovanje podjetij je odvisno predvsem od uspešnosti na poslovnih pogajanjih, saj prav pogajanja predstavljajo eno izmed najpomembnejših znanj v globalnem poslovnem svetu. Podjetja, ki sodelujejo s tujimi partnerji se morajo zavedati kulturne razsežnosti in svojo pozornost nameniti pripravam na medkulturna pogajanja, torej na pogajanja s poslovnimi partnerji, ki izhajajo iz drugačnega okolja in ki so prevzeli druge navade, kulturo in običaje.


mednarodno poslovanje;poslovna pogajanja;pogajanje;kulturne razlike;medkulturna komunikacija;poslovni odnosi;dobavitelji;Slovenija;Koreja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Hauc]
UDC: 316.72(519.5):339.162
COBISS: 11516444 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1249
Downloads: 137
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business negotiation with the Korean suppliers
Secondary abstract: Preparations for negotiations with the Koreans require that Western companies invest a lot of time and effort, because are known for their strongly accented edicts of the law and the exact specific conditions, which spice up the negotiations. Koreans are well known for the fact that they are careful with high uncertainty avoidance index. They always ask a lot of questions because they want to make sure about the details and thus avoid the risk. Decisions are taken hierarchically and by acclamation of all the members present in the negotiations. Koreans can be counted among one of the most peaceful and friendly negotiators. During negotiations we would not hear the word "no", because they do not want to offend the other side. South Korean negotiators are known as the negotiators who are emotional, calm, honest, and sincere. They are also known by the fact that in a business relationship they strive for a harmonious relationship, although it is sometimes difficult to gain their trust. If you want to succeed as Slovenian negotiator in negotiations with the Koreans, it is necessary to establish a high degree of patience, focus on relationships and harmony of interests, focus on long-term cooperation, respect and perception of their culture and demonstrate understanding of them. The conclusion of the contract they usually don`t take only as transaction or business, but the signature means opportunity for long-term business and friendship.
Secondary keywords: South Korea negotiator;culture;harmony;relationships;friendship;Slovenian negotiators;cultural differences;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 57 str.
ID: 8727221