delo diplomskega seminarja


V sodobnem svetu, v času svetovne gospodarske krize, se podjetja soočajo s poslovnimi tveganji. Ta se kažejo v neizpolnjevanju pogodbenih obveznosti in možnostjo neplačevanja. Zato smo se odločili predstaviti bančno garancijo, kot najpomembnejši, najbolj cenjen in najpogosteje uporabljen instrument zaščite pred poslovnimi tveganji. Bančna garancija spada med učinkovit, vendar drag instrument zaščite pred tveganji. Oblika bančne garancije sicer ni predpisana, so pa predpisani glavni elementi garancije. Bančne garancije imajo tako prednosti kot slabosti. Poglavitna prednost bančnih garancij je ta, da je bančna garancija popolnoma ločena od osnovnega posla in da je zanesljiv instrument zavarovanja. Slabost bančnih garancij, ki velja za obe pogodbeni stranki, je ta, da je bančna garancije drag način zavarovanja plačil. Pri bančnih garancijah gre za pravne odnose med dolžnikom in upnikom, za pravne odnose med nalogodajalcem in banko garantom in za pravni odnos med banko garantom in koristnikom garancije. Razvrščamo jih po enem ali več kriterijih. Najpogosteje se v poslovni praksi izdajajo plačilne in storitvene bančne garancije. Da bančne garancije omogočajo učinkovito zaščito pred morebitnimi tveganji, morajo le-te biti ustrezno sestavljene. Izdajajo se v pisni obliki in je od izdaje dalje nepreklicna. Eden izmed najpomembnejših elementov bančne garancije je garancijski znesek. Garancijski znesek, koristniku garancije poravna banka, če dolžnik ne izpolni pogodbenih obveznosti. Pri garancijah je pomembno, da pogodbeni stranki določita pravo, ki bo merodajno v primeru reševanja sporov. Na kratko smo predstavili še stand-by akreditiv. Pri stand-by akreditivu gre za posebno vrsto bančne garancije, ki so jo razvili ameriški bankirji Opisali smo postopek izdaje bančne garancije za resnost ponudbe v banki X, od razgovora komitenta s skrbnikom, do same izdaje bančne garancije. Opravili in opisali smo raziskavo o številu izdanih in unovčenih bančnih garancij v banki X in potrdili naša predvidevanja, da se število izdanih bančnih garancij znižuje, povečuje pa se število unovčenih bančnih garancij.


bančno poslovanje;bančne garancije;garancije;finančni instrumenti;tveganje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [V. Klaneček]
UDC: 336.717
COBISS: 11671836 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2734
Downloads: 443
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bank guarantee
Secondary abstract: In the modern world, in time of world economic crisis, companies confront with numerous business risk. This fact reflects in unfulfilled contractual obligations, such as nonpayment, late delivery or execution of works, bad performance of works, low quality of goods etc. Therefore, we have decided to present bank guarantees as the most important, appreciated and useful instrument for security against mentioned business risks. The bank guarantee is insurance instrument of quality and is effective in its role of insuring beneficiary’s interests, however it is very expensive as well. The form of the bank guarantee is not prescribed in details, but the majority of local legislations as well as the ICC rules define the obligatory contents of each guarantee. Bank guarantees have advantages and also disadvantages. The main advantage of the bank guarantee is its independence of basic business and its reliability. The disadvantage, not only for the applicant, but also for the beneficiary, is its expensiveness. The bank guarantee is about the legal relationships between the appliciant and the beneficiary, between applicant and the bank guarantor and about the relationships between the bank guarantor and the beneficiary. Bank guarantees are classified according to different criteria. The most common in the business practice are payment and performance guarantees. The bank guarantees have to be construed appropriately in order to protect from any risk. They are issued in a written form and are irrevocably valid since of the issuance date. One of the most important elements is the warranty amount. The amount is settled by the bank in case the debtor does not fulfill the contractual obligations. It is important that the contractual parties determine the law that will be applicable in case of a dispute. At the end, we have presented a stand/by letter of credit. The stand/by letter of credit is a special kind of the bank guarantee that was developed by the American bankers We have described the procedure of the tender guarantee issuance in the bank X, form the discussion of the client and the bank employee, to the bank guarantee being issued. We have done a research about the number of issued and cashed guarantees in the bank X. Our presumptions were confirmed, that the number of issued guarantees is decreasing. And the number of cashed guarantees is increasing.
Secondary keywords: bank guarantee;insurance financial instrument;business risk;payment guarantees;performance guarantees;stand-by letter of credit;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 35 str.
ID: 8727232