magistrsko delo
Kaja Černjavič (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor), Matjaž Denac (Co-mentor)


The problem we referred to is great and mostly uncontrolled energy consumption in the public and private sector not just in Slovenia but also in other countries around the world. In Europe some restrictions were met, which resulted in 2009 in a new standard, the EN 16001:2009, two years later the International Standardization Body issued the ISO 50001:2011, energy management standard. With the help of a case study potential in energy and emissions as well as overall environmental protection was presented. All anticipated research methods were followed, hypothesises set in the introduction were carefully researched and mainly proven to be right whereas some, hypothesis one and two, connected with the increase of energy consumption in Slovenia and hypothesis two, number of certificates per capita, were refuted. The overall consumption of energy in Slovenia decreased (table 2, page 15) in the year 2011 compared to 2010. Slovenia is also not the country with the lowest number of issued energy certificates per capita; Portugal has two (picture 1, page 35). Hypothesises three to five linked to the study case were fully proven to be right; the company did not have an energy management programme but the owners were fully aware of the possibilities of energy savings. There was as well energy savings potential, proven to be even more that the first anticipated 50-percent. Our conclusion is that energy management plays a key role in sustainable development and environment conservation practices, as it helps the country move towards an energy efficient economy. With the help of the case study we made a good illustration how a micro company saved 75-percent of energy costs in the first year, by using energy management as a tool. The main and general changes enhanced the company’s energy efficiency, taught employees some basic techniques for achieving greater energy efficiency and cost reduction not just inside the organization but also in family homes. It is important, that expenditures concerning energy purchase and consumption are exactly defined. Before the implementation and certainly after it, energy management accounting and energy management audits should be performed. This serves as a tool to realize and understand the full spectrum of the environmental costs and helps to create internal demand in businesses for cleaner and less wasteful production processes. It gives organizations a preferential position to engage in pollution prevention activities mainly because it makes good business sense due to the immediate financial benefits it delivers. The prime goal of the thesis was to stimulate organizations to implement the concepts of energy management practices into their organizational structure and to use energy management systems for lowering energy and other environmental costs, no matter the size or segment the organization. There is no need to get certified if not wanted; just performing these activities is enough, as it brings all the benefits to the environment. Helping to achieve this goal is now mainly in the hands of others, it is important how the country will act and react and help organizations to achieve this goal. Different restrictions can be met on the field of law and taxes, subsidies, etc. We believe that, for meeting all the required goals (Kyoto protocol and other) and help the economy to move towards a sustainable one, organizations will have to reorganize their structures and implement energy management. There are big potentials in reduction of emissions and energy consumption, with energy management, organizations can get the help and knowledge how to keep the budget of energy consumption as low as possible, how to meet all the critical objectives and also important, reduce their operational costs on a long-term basis.


energija;energetika;energetska učinkovitost;varčevanje z energijo;poraba;standardi;stroškovna učinkovitost;trajnostni razvoj;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Černjavič]
UDC: 502.21:006
COBISS: 11709468 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1617
Downloads: 91
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Energetski management kot sredstvo za doseganje energetske učinkovitosti v podjetju KOPUN SIMTO d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: V magistrskem delu smo izpostavili problem nekontrolirane in neučinkovite rabe energije, v javnih in v zasebnih podjetjih tako v Sloveniji kot tudi drugod. Leta 2009 je bil sprejet in izdan prvi evropski (energetski) standard EN 16001:2009, junija 2011 pa prvi mednarodni standard ISO 50001:2011, ki ureja področje energije in je kompatibilen z ostalimi standardi ISO in tako lažje aplikativen v podjetjih, ki so že pridobila katerega izmed standardov (npr. ISO 14001:2004). Oba standarda naj bi bila v pomoč in vodilo podjetjem in organizacijam pri smotrnem in sistematičnem ravnanju in upravljanju z energijo za doseganje tako večjih energetskih prihrankov kot tudi učinkovitejše rabe energije. Težnja k trajnostnemu razvoju države, razvoju, ki bo zadovoljeval potrebe sedanje generacije brez negativnega vpliva na prihodnje rodove, se odraža na področjih ekonomije, družbe in okolja. Po podatkih Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije (SURS) je v bil letu 2011 zabeležen padec končne rabe energije v primerjavi z letom 2010, s tem pa je bila ovržena prva hipoteza, ki smo jo postavili v nalogi v zvezi s povečanjem porabe končne energije (tabela 2, str. 15). 39-odstotkov porabljene energije na slovenskem trgu je bilo proizvedene v hidroelektrarni Krško, 36-odstotkov v termoelektrarnah, 24-odstotkov v hidroelektrarnah, manj kot odstotek pa s fotovoltaičnimi moduli. Medtem ko 50-odstotkov energije v obliki naftnih derivatov in plina uvozimo, pa smo pretežno samozadostni v proizvodnji in porabi električne energije. Po podatkih SURS (tabela 2, str. 15) je bil v letu 2011 zabeležen tako padec v energetski odvisnosti kakor tudi energetski učinkovitosti. Krepitev nacionalne zavesti in težnja k trajnostnemu razvoju države narekujejo ukrepe na področju energetike, le-ti pa se izvajajo z ozaveščanjem o varčni in učinkoviti rabi energije ter posledicah njene nekontrolirane in neracionalne rabe. Podjetja se lahko v primeru uspešno opravljene standardizacije oz. certificiranja pohvalijo z enim izmed standardov ali certifikatom EMAS ter tako poudarijo svojo osveščenost na področju proizvodnje in opravljanja storitev, izpostavijo svoje ime ter gradijo na njegovi prepoznavnosti. Država spodbuja varčno rabo energije s finančnimi spodbudami, ki so na voljo tako fizičnim kot pravnim osebam, in so namenjene za nakup učinkovitejše opreme za ogrevanje, vlaganje v ovoj stavbe, nova stekla ipd. V četrtem poglavju smo se posvetili organizacijam, pri čemer je potrebno izpostaviti podatek o deležu ti. mikro podjetij v državi; po podatkih SURS jih je bilo v letu 2011 94,88-odstotka. Podjetje se uvrsti v posamezen razred na podlagi meril, predpisanih s strani države - v 55. členu Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1). Podatki, ki so podlaga za uvrstitev družbe v določen razred, so podatki iz računovodskih izkazov in sicer povprečno število delavcev v poslovnem letu, izračunano na podlagi delovnih ur, čisti prihodki od prodaje in vrednost aktive podjetja. Predstavili smo različna priznanja, ki jih lahko podjetja v Sloveniji pridobijo (tabela 7) in ugotovili, da so štiri družbe (ACRONI d.d., GGE d.o.o., HTZ Velenje I.P. d.o.o. in SG Automotived.o.o.), ki so certificirane v skladu z energetskim standardom ISO 50001:2011 ter štiri certificirane v skladu z EN 16001:2009 (ACRONI d.d., KOSTAK d.d., ETIKETA d.d. in PRIMAT d.d.). Včasih se zdi, da dajemo vse prevelik poudarek večjim podjetjem, ki bi morala dosegati določena merila trajnostnega razvoja, v našem primeru energetsko učinkovitost, spodbujala rabo energije iz obnovljivih virov in izvajala ukrepe za varčno rabo energije, ob tem pa izvedla uspešno certifikacijo enega od standardov. V Sloveniji si podjetja z energetskimi projekti in sanacijami prizadevajo doseči energetsko učinkovitost in prihranke na področju rabe energije tako, da dolgoročno zmanjšujejo stroške za energijo medtem pa ohranijo ali celo izboljšajo kvaliteto svojih storitev in izdelkov. Podjetja s tem krepijo trajnostni razvoja na področju energetike, takih
Secondary keywords: energetski management;energetska učinkovitost;varčevanje z energijo;poraba energije;energetsko knjigovodstvo in revizija;energetski manager;standardi ISO;sistemi ravnanja z energijo (ENMS);stroškovna učinkovitost;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 98 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 8727248