diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Matjaž Türk (Author), Tomaž Kramberger (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili elektronsko poslovanje in komuniciranje slovenskih podjetij s carino v povezavi s carinskim informacijskim sistemom. Analizirali bomo delovanje aplikacij in integracijo baz podatkov ter njihovo funkcionalnost za vse uporabnike. Ocenili bomo problematiko uvedbe elektronskega načina poslovanja, ki je povezano s spremenjenim načinom poslovanja podjetij in carinske službe, z investicijami in izobraževanjem zaposlenih. Analizirali bomo ekonomske učinke, stroške in koristi elektronskega poslovanja za carinsko službo in podjetja. Izpostavili bomo prednosti in kritično oceno slabosti oz. pomanjkljivosti elektronskega načina poslovanja, predvsem z vidika varnosti in ekonomske upravičenosti investicije v informacijski sistem. Merljive ekonomske učinke, koristi in stroške bomo prikazali z izračuni v absolutnem številu. Ostale ekonomske učinke bomo kritično ocenili in analizirali. V zaključku bomo poiskali določene rešitve in navedli predloge, pogoje in možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj elektronskega poslovanja in carinskega informacijskega sistema.


elektronsko poslovanje;informacijski sistem;carina;ekonomski učinki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Türk]
UDC: 004.7(043.2)
COBISS: 512550205 Link will open in a new window
Views: 858
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Economic effects of electronic business with custom to economic operator
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with electronic business and communication between Slovenian companies and the customs administration through the customs information system. Operation of applications and integration of databases will be analysed along with their functionality for all users. The problems of introducing the electronic business will be assessed. Which is connected with the changed mode of doing business between companies and the customs service, as well as with investments and training of employees. Economic impact of electronic business on the customs service and companies will be further analysed, along with the expenses and benefits for both. The thesis will expose the advantages along with the critical evaluation of disadvantages or weaknesses of electronic business. In particular, in terms of security and economic viability of the investment in the information system. Measurable effects, benefits and expenses will be illustrated on the basis of calculations expressed in absolute number. The other economic effects will be critically assessed and analysed. In conclusion, the thesis will provide some solutions and quote proposals, conditions and possibilities for further development of electronic business and customs information system.
Secondary keywords: electronic business;information system;customs administration;economic impact;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko Celje
Pages: X, 82 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8727345
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