delo diplomskega seminarja
Staš Matoh (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


V delu diplomskega seminarja z naslovom E-računi (E-Billing) smo želeli spoznati sisteme za elektronsko izdajanje in plačevanje računov. V ta namen smo predstavili elektronsko poslovanje kot osnovo za implementacijo teh sistemov in to povezali z managementom odnosov s strankami. Nato smo si pogledali, kaj elektronski računi so, kaj so njihove prednosti ter ovire, kaj je za njihovo uspešno uporabo potrebno (digitalni podpis, digitalni certifikat, časovni žig, elektronsko arhiviranje, ipd.), slovensko zakonodajo, ki podpira izdajo elektronskih računov ter nekaj primerov podjetij, ki so vključena v proces elektronskih storitev. Omenili smo tudi pobudo in prijeme slovenskih vladnih organov pri vzpodbujanju in širjenju sprejetja ter uporabe elektronskega poslovanja in elektronskih računov pri nas.


poslovna informatika;elektronsko poslovanje;elektronski račun;elektronski podpis;digitalno potrdilo;odnosi s strankami;CRM;elektronsko arhiviranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Matoh]
UDC: 004.738.5
COBISS: 11570204 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1795
Downloads: 225
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: E-billing
Secondary abstract: As part of the thesis entitled E-Billing we wanted to learn about systems for electronic bill presentment and payment. To this end we presented electronic commerce as a basis for the implementation of these systems and integrated it with the management of costumer relationships. Then we looked at what electronic bills are, what their strenghts and barriers are, what is required for their succesful aplication (digital signiture, digital certificate, timestamp, electronic archiving, etc.), the Slovenian legislation that supports the issuance of electronic bills and a few examples of companies that are part of the e-billing process. We also mentioned the initiative and aproaches of the Slovenian goverment in the promotion and dissemination of the adoption and use of electronic commerce and electronic billing in our country.
Secondary keywords: e-commerce;e-billing;customer relationship management;e-SLOG;digital signature;digital certificate;timestamp;electronic archiving;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 34 str.
ID: 8727388
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