diplomsko delo
Anton Pori (Author), Nataša Samec (Mentor)


Standard skrbnosti se uporablja za presojo ravnanj določenega udeleženca obligacijskega razmerja. Vedno se uporabi tedaj, kadar ravnanje udeležencev v obligacijskem razmerju ni posebej določeno z med njimi veljavno pogodbo ali pa ni posebej določeno s pravnimi pravili. Obligacijski zakonik pa razlikuje med dvema različnima standardoma skrbnosti kot sta urejena v 6. členu tega zakona. To sta standard skrbnosti dobrega gospodarja oziroma gospodarstvenika ter standard skrbnosti dobrega strokovnjaka. Kateri standard se bo uporabil je odvisno od tega, ali se presoja ravnanje udeleženca, ki izpolnjuje obveznosti iz svoje poklicne dejavnosti ali pa ta obveznost ni v zvezi z njegovo poklicno dejavnostjo. Kot pravi sam zakon v drugem odstavku 6. člena je standard skrbnosti dobrega strokovnjaka strožji, saj se ravnanje udeleženca pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti iz svoje poklicne dejavnosti presoja po pravilih stroke in običajih. V tem diplomskem delu sem podrobneje razdelal standard skrbnosti dobrega strokovnjaka. Ugotavljal sem kateri udeleženci morajo ravnati v skladu s tem standardom, pomen pravil stroke ter običajev pri presojanju ravnanja udeleženca iz njegove poklicne dejavnosti in na podlagi že uveljavljene teorije in sodne prakse podrobneje preučil pomen standarda skrbnosti dobrega strokovnjaka ter njegovo uporabo.


poslovna odškodninska odgovornost;subjektivna odškodninska odgovornost;objektivna odškodninska odgovornost;skrbnost dobrega strokovnjaka;pravila stroke;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Pori]
UDC: 347.4/.5(043.2)
COBISS: 4569387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 8078
Downloads: 1393
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The standards of due diligence are used to review acts of a certain participant of an obligational relationship. It is used in all cases where the actions of participants of an obligational relationship is not specifically determined by a valid contract between them or is not specifically determined by legal rules. The Code of Obligations distinguishes between two different standards of due diligence which are dealt with in the 6th article of this act. These are standards of due diligence of average person or entrepreneur and the standard of due diligence of an expert. Which standards will be used depends on whether one is measuring an act of a participant who is fulfilling the duties of their profession or the duty is not in relation with their profession. As the act itself states in paragraph 2 of the 6th article, the standard of due diligence of an expert is stricter because the acts of a participant in fulfilling the obligations of their professional activity is measured by the rules of the competent professional and its customs. This diploma paper covers a detailed analysis of the standard of due diligence of an expert. The focus of the inquiry was on determining which participants have to act in accordance with this standard, the meaning of the rules and customs of the profession in judging the acts of a participant from their occupational field and to study in detail the meaning of the standard of due diligence of an expert and its use on the basis of established theories and jurisprudence which have been used.
Secondary keywords: due diligence;due diligence of an expert;rules of the profession;customs;professional person;subjective liability for damages;objective liability for damages;contractual liability for damages;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 31 f.
ID: 8727394