delo diplomskega seminarja
Valerija Rac (Author), Vesna Čančer (Mentor)


Z izdelavo dela diplomskega seminarja smo hoteli opozoriti, da se skrb za naše življenje odvija blizu našega vsakdanja in spreminja naše predstave. Glavni problem, ki smo ga izpostavili v delu diplomskega seminarja, se je nanašal na najustreznejšo nezgodno zavarovanje in izbiro zavarovalnic za otroke in mladino. V Prekmurju ni zavarovalnice, katera ne bi strmela k svojim ciljem. Izpostavili smo tri zavarovalnice, za pridobitev uteži kriterijev izvedli anketo s starši oz. skrbniki otrok in večkriterijski problem rešili z računalniškim programom Web-HIPRE. V prvem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili pojem nezgode in nezgodno zavarovanje, in ponudbe zavarovalnice Merkur d.d., Maribor d.d. in Triglav d.d. V praktičnem delu smo glede na izbrane kriterije s pomočjo programa ugotavljali, katera zavarovalnica ima najustreznejšo nezgodno zavarovanje za otroke in mladino.


zavarovanje;nezgodno zavarovanje;zavarovalne premije;mladina;otroci;večkriterialno odločanje;kriteriji;alternative;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [V. Rac]
UDC: 364.322
COBISS: 11687452 Link will open in a new window
Views: 977
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Multicriteria decision-making on the selection of accident insurance for children and youth by custodian
Secondary abstract: The diploma seminar paper points out that taking care of our life is part of the daily routine and it changes our conceptions of life. The main issue that is highlighted in one part of the diploma seminar paper applies to the most appropriate kind of an accident insurance and the most appropriate insurance companies for children and youth. In the area Prekmurje in northeastern part of Slovenia there is no insurance company that would not strive for its goals. In the diploma seminar paper we highlighted three insurance companies, conducted a survey with parents or guardians of children to obtain the criteria weights and solved the multi-criteria problem with help of computer program Web-HIPRE. In the first part of the diploma seminar paper the concept of incident and accident insurances and offers by three insurance companies are presented: Zavarovalnica Merkur PLC, Zavarovalnica Maribor PLC and Zavarovalnica Triglav PLC. The practical part offers results about the most suitable accident insurance for children and youth that were established with respect to multiple criteria.
Secondary keywords: accident insurance;the sum insured;safety of the child;multi-criteria decision-making;alternatives;criteria;Web-HIPRE;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 35 str., 5 str. pril.
ID: 8727451