diplomsko delo
Anja Kralj (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor), Tjaša Ivanc (Co-mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava nasilje v družini. Natančneje se osredotoči na otroka kot žrtev družinskega nasilja in na pravne ukrepe, ki jih pristojni organi zagotovijo otroku v primeru nasilja. Nasilje v družini se občuti kot resen družbeni problem, ki se kaže precej transparentno. Porast nasilja je tako mogoče pripisati zlasti večjemu številu prijav nasilnih dejanj pristojnim organom. Nasilje med družinskimi člani, je še posebej težavno, kadar je žrtev nasilja otrok. Otroci kot ranljiva družbena skupina so zato v primeru nasilja upravičeni do posebne zaščite in varstva. Nasilje v družini bi se moralo v prvi vrsti preprečevati, zlasti s pomočjo nevladnih organizacij, medtem ko bi se, v primeru resnih situacij, vmešale še vladne organizacije s svojimi pravnimi ukrepi. Otrokom je njihovo varstvo lahko zagotovljeno s pomočjo raznovrstnih pravnih ukrepov, ki jih določa naša pravna zakonodaja. Policija, sodstvo in centri za socialno delo so tako dolžni sodelovati pri problematiki nasilja v družini in ukrepati na podlagi svojih pooblastili in pristojnosti. V vsakem primeru nasilja je nujno potrebna reakcija pristojne institucije, ki nato izvede primeren ukrep, glede na resnost situacije, v kateri se otrok nahaja. Ukrepov, s katerimi institucije ukrepajo v našem pravnem prostoru, je mogoče zabeležiti kar nekaj, vendar je bolj kot njihova številčnost, pomembna njihova uporaba, še posebej v tistem trenutku, ko je to zaradi zaščite otroka, nujno. Mogoče je zatrditi, da je v naši državi bilo tekom let izrečenih že precej pravnih ukrepov, s katerimi se je zagotovila varnost in zaščita ogroženemu otroku, vendar pa ne moremo z gotovostjo trditi, da se je s številom izrečenih ukrepov znižala tudi stopnja nasilnega vedenja v slovenskih družinah.


družinsko pravo;družine;nasilje v družini;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Kralj]
UDC: 347.6(043.2)
COBISS: 4560939 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1344
Downloads: 194
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with domestic violence. More specifically, it focuses on the child as a victim of domestic violence and on the legal measures taken by the competent authorities, which ensure help for the child in the case of violence. Domestic violence is perceived as a serious social problem that is present in our society and it shows itself as a quite transparent fact. The increase in violence is also possible becouse of more outnumbered logins to the competent authorities. Violence among family members, is especially difficult when the victim of violence is child. Children, as a vulnerable social group, are eligable to get special attention and protection Domestic violence should be prevented, especially with the help of non-governmental organizations, but in the case of serious situations, there should be provided help, with legal actions, from government organizations. The protection of children can be provided through a variety of legal measures imposed by our legislation. The police, the judiciary and social work centers are also required to participate in family violence issues and they must act on the basis of their powers and jurisdiction. If there is any case of violence, there must be a necessary reaction of competent institution, which then performs the appropriate action, depending on the severity of the situation in which the child is in. Institutions use a lot of different measures in our legal area and they can be found in several numbers, but the most important thing is the use of measures, especially where there is a moment, when a child needs protection. It is possible to state, that in our country was, over the years, handed down quite a bit of legal measures, to ensure the safety and protection of endangered child, but we can't with certainty state that the measures are causing the reduce of violent behavior in slovenian families.
Secondary keywords: family;family violence;children;the causes of violence;prevention;legal measures;police;courts;social work centers.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 89 f.
ID: 8727456
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