magistrsko delo
V magistrski nalogi so bili predstavljeni in raziskani simptomi, ki se pojavijo ob nenehnem izpostavljanju stresu, ter dejavniki, ki vplivajo na nastanek stresa. Pri tem smo se omejili predvsem na dejavnike, ki izhajajo iz dela. V teoretičnem delu naloge so bili na podlagi različnih avtorjev in dosedanjih raziskav predstavljeni najpogostejši dejavniki stresa, katerim so ljudje izpostavljeni, prav tako najpogostejše posledice stresa. Opredelili smo tudi različne tipe osebnosti in pojasnili, kako stres vpliva nanje. Podani so bili tudi načini in metode premagovanja stresa. V raziskovalnem delu smo podrobneje raziskali, kakšen tip osebnosti prevladuje med zaposlenimi v občinskih upravah ter kako le-ti doživljajo stres pri svojem delu. Pri tem smo se omejili zgolj na osebnostni tip A in B. Prav tako smo raziskali, v kakšni meri zaposlene stres dejansko ogroža in kateri so tisti simptomi stresa, ki ogrožajo zdravje zaposlenih. V ta namen je bila izvedena anketna raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli med zaposlenimi občinske uprave občine Rače-Fram in občine Slovenske Konjice. Osebnostni tip smo določili z Brewerjevim vprašalnikom, medtem ko smo za določitev simptomov in dejavnikov stresa priredili Powellov vprašalnik. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da se polovica anketirancev nagiba k vedenjskemu vzorcu A. Več kot polovica anketirancev meni, da je njihovo delo zgolj občasno stresno, pri tem pa v povprečju kot najpogostejši dejavnik stresa navajajo preveč zahtev in premalo časa, časovne pritiske in roke, premalo možnosti za napredovanje in kariero ter pomanjkanje časa, ki bi ga lahko preživeli s svojo družino. Prav tako obstaja pozitivna povezava med nekaterimi simptomi in dejavniki stresa ter vedenjskim vzorce A. Večina zaposlenih je izpostavljena zmernemu stresu, pri tem pa je skrb zbujajoč podatek, da je bil zgolj en anketiranec izpostavljen nizkemu stresu. V povprečju anketiranci kot najpogostejše simptome stresa navajajo živčnost in napetost, izčrpanost, utrujenost ter želodčne težave.
osebnost;stres;stresorji;posledice;premagovanje;delovno mesto;delovno okolje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[Ž. Planinc] |
UDC: |
159.944.4:331 |
Views: |
1428 |
Downloads: |
206 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Personality types A and B in conjunction with the experience of stress at work |
Secondary abstract: |
The master’s thesis discusses and investigates the symptoms which occur as a result of constant stress exposure, and the factors which cause the stress. Our focus was mainly on the factors deriving from work. The theoretical part discussed the most frequent stress factors that people are exposed to and the main consequences of stress, based on the definitions of different authors and findings from previous researches. Different personality types were defined and the influence of stress on these types was explained. The methods of coping with stress were explained as well. The empirical part investigated the most prevalent personality type among the employees in the municipal administration, and manners of experiencing stress at work. The research focused only on the A and B personality type. We also investigated the extent to which stress actually endangers the employees and the symptoms of stress that endanger their health. For this purpose a poll among the employees of the municipal administration Rače-Fram and municipality Slovenske Konjice was carried out. The personality type was defined using the Brewer’s questionnaire and for the stress symptoms the modified Powell’s questionnaire was used. The findings show that half of the respondents have tendencies to the A behavioural pattern. More than half of them report their work to be stressful only occasionally, the most frequent stress factors on average being: too many commitments and not enough time, time pressures and deadlines, not enough possibilities for promotion and building a career, and lack of free time to spend with their family. There is also a positive correlation between some of the symptoms and stress factors and the A behavioural pattern. Most of the employees are exposed to moderate level of stress; however, it is of great concern that only one respondent is exposed to low level of stress. The most frequent stress symptoms reported are nervousness and tension, exhaustion, fatigue and stomach troubles. |
Secondary keywords: |
Personality;A and B personality types;stress;individual and organisational stressors;consequences of the stress.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
123 str., 10 str. pril. |
ID: |
8727496 |