diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varstvoslovje
Jasmina Urbas (Author), Gorazd Meško (Mentor)


Javnomnenjske raziskave v Sloveniji kažejo, da je korupcija prisotna v javnih institucijah in politiki. Testi integritete so se pojavili že v šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Skozi tok zgodovine, vse do danes, so se testi integritete razvijali in izboljševali. Namen testov oziroma cilj, kaj naj bi z njimi dosegli, pa je vseskozi ostal isti. Cilj oziroma namen testov integritete je zaposlovanje ljudi z visoko stopnjo le-te, ter s tem zagotavljanje profesionalnega dela v javnih institucijah. Teste integritete se lahko uporablja za lažje iskanje že zaposlenih oseb v javnih institucijah, ki so ravnale v nasprotju z moralno-etičnimi normami. Imajo tudi preventivni učinek na ljudi, ki so v fazi zaposlovanja v javni instituciji. Dober test integritete prepreči, da bi se v javni instituciji zaposlile osebe z nizko stopnjo integritete. Na tak način se krepi integriteta posameznika, institucije in navsezadnje tudi integriteta države. Poznamo več vrst testov integritete, to so pisni testi, psihofizični testi in situacijski testi. Delimo jih lahko tudi na ciljne in naključne teste. Ciljni testi so namenjeni za posameznike. Naključni testi so namenjeni za preverjanje integritete institucije, ko cela institucija kaže na odklonsko delovanje oziroma nagnjenost k nepoštenemu opravljanju svojega dela. Slovenija je morala začeti spreminjati in izpopolnjevati zakonodajo na področju korupcije, ko je pričela s pristopnimi pogajanji za vstop v Evropsko unijo marca leta 1998. Evropska komisija in Slovenija sta prav tako pričeli pogajanja leta 1998. V evropskih merilih je bila Slovenija med letoma 1995 in 2000 uvrščena med najmanj skorumpirane države. Leta 2001 je bil ustanovljen Urad za preprečevanje korupcije, ki je imel nalogo pripraviti zakon o preprečevanju korupcije. Da bi lahko preprečevala oziroma omejevala korupcijo v javnih institucijah se je morala slovenska zakonodaja uskladiti z mednarodnimi konvencijami o korupciji. V Sloveniji je bil tako narejen Načrt integritete, ki služi kot preventivni ukrep in protikorupcijski program, ki zagotavlja zmanjševanje vzrokov, pogojev in okoliščin, ki omogočajo korupcijo. Kazenski zakonik bolj podrobno opredeljuje več oblik korupcije in sankcije za koruptivna dejanja. Slovenska zakonodaja prav tako opredeljuje koruptivna dejanja tudi kot prekrške, saj so nekatera dejanja, povezana s korupcijo, bolj neznatnega pomena, vendar še vedno kazniva.


korupcija;preprečevanje;integriteta;testi integritete;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: J. Urbas]
UDC: 343.352(043.2)
COBISS: 2698730 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1485
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The corruption and integrity tests Public opinion polls in Slovenia show that corruption is present in public institutions and politics. Integrity tests had already appeared in the sixties and the seventies in the previous century. Throughout history and until today, the integrity tests have been developing and improving, but the purpose of the tests and the goal of what should be achieved by them, have always remained the same. The aim or purpose of integrity tests is to employ people with a high degree of integrity, and eventually to provide professional work in public institutions. Integrity tests can be used to discover employees in public institutions, who have acted contrary to the mora and ethical norms. They also have a preventive effect for people who are in the process of being recruited into public service. A good integrity test prevents the employment of people with a low level of integrity in to public servicen. In this way the integrity of the individual, institutions and, ultimately, the integrity of the country strengthens. Three types of integrity tests are known, paper and pencil test, psyhophysical tests and situation based test. Integrity tests can be divided into targeted and random tests. Targeted tests are designed primarily for individuals. Random tests are designed to verify the integrity of an institution, where the whole institution shows aberrant functioning or predisposition to unfairness in the course of their work. Slovenia had to start making a change and improving the legislation on corruption when it started the negotiations on accession to the European Union in March 1998. The European Commission and Slovenia have also started negotiations in 1998. Within European standards, Slovenia was ranked among the least corrupt countries between 1995 and 2000. In 2001, the Department for Prevention of Corruption was established, which had the task of preparing the law on the prevention of corruption. For preventing or limiting corruption in public institutions the Slovenian legislation had to adjust in line with international conventions on corruption. Then the Integrity plan was made in Slovenia, which serves as a preventive measure and anti-corruption program that ensures the reduction of the causes, the conditions and circumstances that allow corruption. The Penal Code defines in more detail several forms of corruption and sanctions for corrupt practices. Slovenian legislation also defines corrupt practices as violations because some of the acts related to corruption are more insignificant, but are still considered a criminal offense.
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 8727507
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