delo diplomskega seminarja
Ksenija Končan (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Postajamo družba nenehne konkurenčnosti - podjetja in tudi druge organizacije se morajo spoprijeti z izzivi in upoštevati spremembe v današnjem poslovnem okolju. Za preživetje se je potrebno prilagajati zahtevam in spremembam sodobnega tržišča. Organizacije se zato pogosto odločajo za zamenjavo informacijskih sistemov s celovitimi informacijskimi rešitvami (ERP rešitev). V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili razloge za uvedbo ter njihove prednosti, tveganja in ključne dejavnike uspeha. Projekte uvajanja ERP rešitev po svoji kompleksnosti uvrščamo med najzahtevnejše, ki jih uvajajo v organizacijah. Papirnati dokumenti so še vedno najpomembnejši vir informacij v poslovanju. Njihova obdelava, iskanje in pridobivanje podatkov iz tako shranjenih dokumentov ovirata nemoteno delo in hitro odločanje. Hkrati pa pri tem nastajajo zelo visoki stroški. Rešitev tega problema je uvedba elektronskih dokumentnih rešitev (eDMS rešitev), zato smo v diplomskem delu opisali dokumentni sistem, njegovo funkcionalnost, življenjski cikel dokumentov ter predstavili zakonodajna in notranja pravila, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri obvladovanju dokumentov v delovnih procesih. V zadnjem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili uvedbo eDMS rešitve v aplikaciji SPIS na Fakulteti za logistiko ter opisali primer elektronskega arhiviranja dokumentacije ob vpisu študenta na omenjeni fakulteti.


poslovna informatika;informacijska tehnologija;informacijske rešitve;ERP;elektronski dokumenti;zakonodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Končan]
UDC: 004:005.336.5
COBISS: 11677980 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1181
Downloads: 149
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ERP solutions for managing documents at the Faculty of Logistics
Secondary abstract: Society is continuously faced with issues linked to competitiveness, companies and other organizations must face this challenge. Those, who wish to survive on this market must constantly adjust to the changes and requirements made by the contemporary market. Hence, today, companies have been investing into IT replacements by incorporating comprehensive IT solutions (hereinafter referred to as ERP solutions). These will be defined in the present diploma thesis. Reasons for their implementation and their advantages, drawbacks and key elements of success will be presented. Namely, based on their complexity they are one of the most demanding projects that are being implemented in organizations. Paper documents are still one of the most important sources of information. Editing, searching and acquiring information from such documents hinder the work processes and rapid decision making. Moreover, they incur high costs. One of the solutions to this problem is the implementation of electronic document solutions (eDMS solutions). The thesis describes this system, its functionality, life cycle and presents the legislation and regulations pertaining to their implementation and use in the work processes. The thesis also presents the implementation of eDMS solution in the application SPIS at the Faculty of Logistics and describes the process of electronic archiving of documents during students’ enrolment process at the Faculty.
Secondary keywords: holistic information solutions;ERP solutions;electronic document system;eDMS;SPIS.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 37 f.
ID: 8727523
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