delo diplomskega seminarja
Kaja Golob (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Spoznali smo, da je stres bolezen današnjega časa. Center škodljivega stresa je nedvomno tudi delovno mesto. Tukaj se pojavlja zaradi preobremenjenosti, delovnih metod in načina dela. Zelo pomembno je tudi, kakšna je organizacijska kultura in način dela. V primeru vpliva škodljivega stresa zaposleni izgubi občutek pripadnosti, slabo je obveščen in izgubi pregled nad poslovanjem in delom. Ima nejasno vlogo v organizaciji in primanjkuje mu časa. Pojavljajo se telesna in duševna znamenja stresa. Znamenja se stopnjujejo do raznih fizioloških simptomov, psihičnih težav in negativnih vedenjskih odzivov. Na ravni organizacije zaradi tega prihaja do nesreč na delovnem mestu, izostajanju od dela, slabega odločanja v poslovnem svetu in nastajanja raznoraznih napak, zmanjša se učinkovitost, pojavi se slabše poslovanje. Prav zaradi tega je pomembno, da stres pri delu prepoznamo in ga tudi premagujemo. Ne pojavlja se samo na določenih delovnih mestih. Ne moremo ga uvrščati samo v problem posameznika, zaposlenega v organizaciji, temveč je problem celotne organizacije. S premagovanjem stresa pri delu se bomo izognili zdravstvenim težavam, imeli bomo boljše odnose z ljudmi, postali bomo učinkovitejši. Kako? Kot zaposleni ga lahko premagujemo tako, da smo s sodelavci komunikativni, izražamo samega sebe, svoje želje in smo odprti do vseh ostalih. S tem si ustvarimo ugodno delovno klimo. Ukrepati pa moramo tudi pri samemu sebi. Uživati moramo čim bolj zdravo hrano in redne obroke, imeti moramo urejen spanec in biti telesno aktivni vsaj pol ure na dan. Lotiti se moramo tudi tehnik sproščanja, meditacije in joge. Priporočljivo pa je tudi pisanje dnevnika stresa, s katerim na hitri način ugotovimo, kaj nam povzroča stres. Tudi organizacija lahko pripomore k premagovanju stresa s preoblikovanjem dela, fleksibilnim delovnim časom, z ustvarjanjem ugodne organizacijske klime in delovnih razmer, lahko pa uvede tudi programe za premagovanje stresa pri zaposlenih. V diplomskem seminarju smo raziskali kaj je stres, kako vpliva na posameznika pri delu in na organizacijo, ter kako ga premagovati. Ugotovitve smo podkrepili z raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli na podlagi anketnih vprašalnikov v organizaciji Terme Olimia.


delovno okolje;delovno mesto;delo;zaposleni;stres;premagovanje;vzroki;posledice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Golob]
UDC: 331.44
COBISS: 11538460 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1861
Downloads: 183
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Managing stress at work in organization Terme Olimia d.d.
Secondary abstract: We came to the conclusion that stress one of the common diseases of our time. The centre of the harmful stress is undoubtedly our workplace. It appears here because of the overload, working methods and the way of work. In case of the influence of harmful stress the employee loses the sense of belonging, he or she is badly informed and loses the overview on business and work, has unclear role in organization and is short of time. The physical and mental signs of stress appear. The signs increase to several physiological symptoms, psychic problems and negative behavioural responses. Because of that accidents in workplaces happen in the level of organization, it comes to skipping the work, bad deciding in the business world and emerging of different mistakes, the efficiency decreases and worse business appears. Just because of this there is important that we recognize stress and also conquer it. It does not appear only in certain workplaces. We cannot define it as a problem of the individual employed in the organization, but is the problem of the whole organization. With overcoming the stress at work we will avoid health problems, we will have better relationships with others and will become more efficient. How? As employees we can manage stress in the way we are more communicative with co-workers, with expressing ourselves, expressing our needs and that we are open to everybody. That is how we create good working atmosphere. But we must take measures within ourselves. We must eat food as healthy as possible and have regular meals and we also must have enough of sleep and be physical active at least half an hour a day. We must start with the relaxing techniques, meditation and yoga. It is recommended to write a diary of stress, in order to find out what causes the stress. Even the organization can help managing the stress with the modification of work, flexible working hours, with creating good organization atmosphere and working conditions. It can also introduce programs for employees for managing stress. In diploma seminar we investigated the term stress, how it influences on the individual at work and on organization and how we should manage it. We supported our observation with the research which we carried out based on a survey questionnaire in the organization Terme Olimia.
Secondary keywords: Stress;types of stress;stress at work in organizations;causes of stress at work;measures of overcoming stress;consequences of stress;organization Terme Olimia.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 69 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 8727570