diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Samo Kolar (Author), Borut Jereb (Mentor)


Temeljni cilj vsakega transportnega podjetja je ohranjanje konkurenčnosti na trgu. To zahteva dobro obvladovanje stroškov ter trajnostni razvoj podjetja. Pri tem je najbolj izpostavljena problematika porabe goriva, saj se zaradi naraščajočih cen goriva stroški nenehno večajo. Za zmanjšanje stroškov je potrebno iskati rešitve v zmanjšanju porabe goriva in s tem povezanih emisij, ki negativno vplivajo na okolje in nas. V delu bomo prikazali, kako zmanjšanje porabe goriva odločilno vpliva na zmanjšanje stroškov in emisij. Voznik je z načinom vožnje ključen dejavnik, ki neposredno vpliva na porabo goriva, zato bomo predstavili rešitev s telemetrijo in program varčne vožnje. Hkrati bomo predstavili alternativno gorivo biodizel, ter možnosti za uvajanje biodizla v podjetju. Izbrano podjetje se pretežno ukvarja z mednarodnimi izrednimi prevozi, pri katerih prihaja do velikih porab goriva. Z uvedbo varčne vožnje in tehnologije za nadzor porabe goriva se stroški občutno zmanjšajo. Uvedba biodizla pomeni bistveno zmanjšanje emisij, vendar je iz stroškovnega vidika trenutno neracionalna rešitev.


poraba goriva;emisije;stroški;varčna vožnja;telemetrija;biodizel;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [S. Kolar]
UDC: 504.5(043.2)
COBISS: 512531005 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1433
Downloads: 300
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reduction of fuel consumption and emissions in Setrans d.o.o. fleet
Secondary abstract: The primary objective of every transport company is to remain competitive on the market. In order to reach that goal it is vital to have a solid cost management that will ensure the sustainable development of the company. One of the costs that the company has to keep under control is fuel consumption, especially since the prices of fuel have been steadily on the increase. In order to reduce costs, it is important to seek for solutions such as lowering the fuel consumption and release of emissions, which have a negative impact on the environment and people. In this thesis, we will demonstrate how the reduction of fuel consumption can play an important role to reduce costs and emissions. The driver with his driving style is a key factor that directly influences the fuel consumption, which is why we will present a solution with telemetry and a fuel efficient drivers’ course. We will also present an alternative fuel called “biodiesel” along with the options to implement it at the company. The selected company is mostly dealing with international special freight transport, which requires high fuel consumption. By implementing the drivers’ course and the technology to control the fuel consumption, the costs would decrease significantly. The implementation of “biodiesel” would reduce the amount of released emissions; however, due to the fact that the costs of such implementation would be too high, the solution is currently not a viable option.
Secondary keywords: fuel consumption;emissions;costs;fuel-efficient driving;telemetry;biodiesel;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko Celje
Pages: IX, 61 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8727614
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