magistrsko delo
Matej Golavšek (Author), Niko Samec (Mentor), Polona Tominc (Mentor)


V skladu z direktivami EU je ravnanje z odpadki urejeno v obliki hierarhije, kjer si od najvišje do najnižje prioritete sledijo preprečevanje, ponovna uporaba, snovna izraba, energetska izraba in odlaganje odpadkov na deponijah. V magistrskem delu smo analizirali ekonomske in okoljske faktorje procesov snovne in energetske izrabe odpadkov, ki jih uporabljamo, kadar se nastanku odpadkov ne moremo izogniti. Dodali smo tudi tehnično-ekonomsko analizo avtomatskega in ročnega izločanje plastike iz mešanih odpadkov. Ugotovili smo, da je plastika pod določenimi pogoji lahko zaradi svoje visoke kurilne vrednosti uporabna v energetski izrabi, vendar pa je treba preprečiti sežig polivinilkloridov in zagotoviti doseganje zakonsko določenih standardov o emisijah. Boljša rešitev je recikliranje, ki je lahko ekonomsko upravičeno tudi ob visokih stroških, če je možno zagotoviti dobavo kvalitetnih surovin in odkup recikliranega granulata po predpostavljenih cenah. Ocene življenjskih ciklov postopkov za ravnanje z odpadki kažejo, da je okoljski vpliv recikliranja manjši od energetske izrabe, vendar pa je energetska izraba s sežigom še vedno boljša rešitev kot odlaganje na deponijah. Za celovit regionalni sistem ravnanja z odpadki sta oba postopka pomembna, saj odlaganje ni dolgoročno izvedljiva rešitev za ravnanje z večjimi količinami odpadkov. Pri izločanju plastike se v skoraj vseh pogledih avtomatsko sortiranje izkaže za boljšo alternativo pred ročnim sortiranjem. Čeprav se postopek priprave trdnega goriva zaradi tega lahko podraži, pa je vseeno treba upoštevati zakonska določila glede priprave alternativnih goriv iz odpadkov. Avtomatsko sortiranje je boljše tudi iz vidika izločanja plastike za reciklažo, saj dosega višjo kvaliteto in učinkovitost razvrščanja pri nižjih obratovalnih stroških.


komunalni odpadki;odpadna embalaža;sortiranje;plastika;energetska izraba;reciklaža;ekonomika;odpadki v energijo;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Golavšek]
UDC: 628.4.043(043.3)
COBISS: 17593110 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1676
Downloads: 240
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of economic viability of removing plastics for energy utilization or material recovery of waste
Secondary abstract: In accordance with EU directives, waste management is organized in a hierarchical form and includes, from highest to lowest priority, prevention, reuse, material recovery, energy utilisation and landfill disposal. In the master’s thesis we have analysed the economic and environment factors of material recovery and energy utilisation processes of waste, which are used when waste generation cannot be avoided. We also added a technical-economic analysis of automatic and manual secretion of plastics from mixed waste. We established that, under certain conditions and because of its high heating value, plastics can be used in energy utilization, but polyvinyl chloride burning must be prevented and emission regulation laws must be met. Recycling is the better solution, which can be economically justified even with high costs, if it is possible to ensure a supply of quality raw materials and the sale of the recycled granulate at the assumed prices. Life cycle assessments of the waste management processes show, that the environmental impact of recycling is smaller than the impact of energy utilization, but burning waste with energy recovery is still a better solution than landfill disposal. For a comprehensive regional waste management system, both processes are important, because landfill disposal is not a viable long term solution for the management of larger quantities of waste. When secreting plastics, automatic sorting is the better alternative to manual sorting in almost all aspects. Although this can increase the costs of refuse derived fuel preparation, legal requirements about alternative fuels from waste must be considered. Automatic sorting is also better in terms of secreting plastics for recycling, because it can achieve better quality and efficiency of sorting at lower operating costs.
Secondary keywords: municipal waste;packaging waste;sorting;plastics;energy utilization;recycling;economics;waste to energy;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: XI, 87 f.
ID: 8727628