diplomsko delo
Marko Gabrič (Author), Darja Senčur Peček (Mentor)


Globalizacija je interdisciplinaren proces, ki vpliva na najrazličnejša področja (kulturno, politično, ekonomsko) in je zaradi tega skorajda nemogoče zajeti vse njegove posledice in oblike, v katerih se pojavlja, kot tudi ni splošno sprejete definicije, ki bi natančno opredeljevala njegovo bistvo. Celo nasprotno, obstajajo številne definicije in pristopi k preučevanju globalizacije, kar pa je v veliki meri posledica različnih ideoloških prepričanj in položajev v družbi. Kako globalizacija vpliva na socialno varnost, je odvisno od več dejavnikov: od političnih, geografskih, ekonomskih,… Najpomembnejši med njimi pa je stopnja razvitosti države v trenutku, ko je le-ta vstopila v globalizacijo. Tako ločimo države v razvoju in razvite države. V razvitih državah temeljni problem predstavlja množična brezposelnost predvsem nekvalificiranih delavcev, saj velike gospodarske družbe selijo svojo proizvodnjo v države, kjer je izdelava produkta cenejša, saj so plače v teh državah nižje, nižji so prispevki za socialno varnost, prav tako pa je nižja tudi delovno-pravna zaščita. Na drugi strani pa se v državah v razvoju izkorišča nekvalificirane delavce (med njimi so tudi otroci), ki delajo in živijo v nevzdržnih pogojih. Mesečni prihodki jim ne zadostujejo niti za preživetje, socialna zaščita pa je minimalna ali pa je sploh ni. Brezposelnost je velik problem za socialno varnost, saj na eni strani pomeni manj prilivov v državno blagajno, ki predstavlja finančno podlago sistemom socialne varnosti, po drugi strani pa povzroča njeno praznjenje zaradi številnih stroškov, ki jih brezposelnost povzroči.


delovno pravo;delavci;socialna varnost;socialna država;brezposelnost;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Gabrič]
UDC: 364(043.2)
COBISS: 4575787 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1480
Downloads: 185
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Globalization is an interdisciplinary process that affects a wide variety of fields (cultural, political, economic) and is therefore almost impossible to cover all of its consequences and the forms in which it appears and also there is no generally accepted definition that would accurately define its essence. On the contrary, there are many definitions and approaches to the study of globalization and it is largely due to the different ideological beliefs and positions in society. How globalization affects social security depends on several factors, ranging from political, geographic, economic,… Among them, the most important is the degree of development in which the country is when it enters globalization. This is how we distinguish developing countries and developed countries. In developed countries, the fundamental problem is the mass unemployment of unskilled workers, mainly because large companies are moving their production to countries where the manufacture of the product is cheaper because wages are lower in these countries, social security contributions are lower, as is the labor law protection. On the other hand, in developing countries unskilled workers are being exploited (among them are children) who are working and living in intolerable conditions. Their salary is not sufficient even for survival, social protection is minimal or non-existent. Unemployment is a major problem for social security, since on the one hand means fewer inflows in treasury, which represent the financial basis of the social security system, on the other hand, a greater burden on the treasury because of the many costs that are caused by unemployment.
Secondary keywords: globalization;social security;developing countries;developed countries;unemployment;exploitation of workers;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 31 f.
ID: 8727692