delo diplomskega seminarja
Lana Erlač (Author), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Mentor)


V prvem poglavju smo opredelili in predstavili problem diplomskega dela. Opredeli smo namen, cilje in postavili osnovne trditve. Zapisali smo predpostavke in omejitve ter predstavili predvidene raziskovalne metode. V drugem poglavju smo spoznali pomen športa in turističnega produkta, opredelili ponudbo športnih dejavnosti za mlade v turistični destinaciji, opisali pomen športnega turizma in predstavili vlogo mladinskih športnih društev v turistični ponudbi destinacije. Opisali smo mladinski turizem in adrenalinske športe v turistični ponudbi. V tretjem poglavju smo preučili primere dobrih praks destinacij, kot sta Pohorje in Val Thorens ter organizacij, ki ponujajo mladinske športne tabore, kot sta Ujusansa in Univerzitetna športna zveza. Analizirali smo mnenja potencialnih uporabnikov treh starostnih ravni, in sicer za raven osnovne in srednje šole ter za študente in ugotovili, da bi večino mladih zanimala organizacija, ki bi ponujala kakovostne športne tabore deskanja na valovih in deskanja na snegu. V četrtem poglavju smo predstavili predlog za ustanovitev društva za organizacijo mladinskih športnih taborov s sedežem v Mariboru in opisali, kako vključiti društvo v ponudbo turistične destinacije. Opisali smo tudi problematiko segmentiranja in predlagali konkurenčne prednosti take organizacije. Opravili smo SWOT analizo ter pripravili sklop predlogov za uspešen razvoj tovrstne organizacije. V petem poglavju smo zapisali sklep, v katerem ugotovimo, da sta primerni zimski destinaciji Pohorje in Val Thorens, poletna pa San Sebastian. Ugotovimo tudi, da ima društvo potencial v podravski regiji. Teza je dokazana, saj je večina anketiranih potrdila, da bi bilo v podravski regiji, natančneje v Mariboru, smiselno oblikovati organizacijo, ki bi ponujala kakovostne mladinske športne tabore.


turizem;ponudba;turistične destinacije;šport;deskanje;organizacija;mladina;dobra praksa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Erlač]
UDC: 338.48:79
COBISS: 11589660 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1248
Downloads: 120
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sport camps organization for youth
Secondary abstract: In the first chapter we defined and presented the problem of the thesis. We defined goals, objectives and set the basic arguments. We wrote down the assumptions and limitations provided for research and presentation methods. In the second chapter we learned about the importance of sports and tourism product, offers for youth in tourist destination, describe the meaning of sport tourism and present the role of youth sport clubs in tourist offer of destination. We have describe tourism for youth and adrenalin sports in tourist offer. In the third chapter, we examine the best practices of youth sports camps such as Ujusansa and University Sports Association, which we investigated and analyzed. We analyzed the opinions of potential users in elementary school, high school and college, and found that the majority of youngsters would be interested in the organization that would offer quality surf and snwboard sports camps. In the fourth chapter, we presented a proposal for arrangements of youth sports camps located in Maribor and described how we would include the organization in development strategy in tourist destination. We have set a plan and a detailed proposal for surf and snowboard camp. We segmented in detailes and studied competitive advantages of the organization. We have done a SWOT analysis on the basis of our own findings and conclusions and we prepared a set of proposals for further successful development of the organization. In the fifth chapter we have come to the conclussion in which we find suitables destinations for winter. Those are Pohorje and Val Thorens. And for summer destination that is San Sebastian. It is also established that the organization have the market potential in the podravska region. The thesis is proved, since most of the respondents confirmed that it would be best in podravska region, more precisely in Maribor. There would be the most appropriate location to create an organization that would offer high-quality youth sports camps.
Secondary keywords: organization;sports;camps;snowboarding;surfing;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 32 str.
ID: 8727754
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