delo diplomskega seminarja


V diplomskem seminarju smo raziskali in predstavili potenciale uporabe faktoringa v času trenutne finančne in gospodarske krize, tako za podjetja kot tudi za gospodarstvo kot celoto. Na začetku smo predstavili in opredelili faktoring ter njegove oblike in s tem postavili teoretične osnove za nadaljevanje raziskave. V nadaljevanju smo poudarek dali predvsem proučevanju uporabe faktoringa in ugotavljanju njegovih koristi v trenutnih kriznih časih. Opravili smo analizo prometa faktoringa v obdobju od leta 2005 do leta 2012 za šest držav, in sicer za Slovenijo ter njene sosede in pa za Nemčijo, ki predstavlja najmočnejše gospodarstvo Evrope. Z analizo smo želeli ugotoviti, kako je kriza vplivala na obseg uporabe faktoringa. Na podlagi ugotovitev smo opredelili, v kolikšni meri so podjetja faktoring prepoznala kot primerno rešitev, ki lahko podjetju zagotovi likvidnost in ga obvaruje pred kreditnim tveganjem v trenutnih negotovih gospodarskih razmerah.


gospodarske krize;finančna kriza;finančni instrumenti;factoring;terjatve;odkup;Slovenija;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [P. Potočnik]
UDC: 658.14/.17
COBISS: 11569180 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1038
Downloads: 150
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Potentials of factoring in the time of financial and economics crisis
Secondary abstract: In this paper, we researched and presented the potentials of factoring in the time of the current financial and economic crisis both for businesses and for the economy as a whole. First, we presented and defined factoring and its forms and thus laid the theoretical foundations for our research. Based on that, we particularly focused on the usage of factoring and on the identification of its benefits in the current time of crisis. We made an analysis of factoring turnover in the period from 2005 to 2012 for six countries, namely Slovenia and its neighbouring countries as well as Germany as the strongest economy in Europe. The aim of our analysis was to establish how the crisis affected the scope of factoring. Based on the results of our study, we determined to what extend the companies recognized factoring as an appropriate solution which can provide liquidity to the company and protect it against credit risk in the current uncertain economic times.
Secondary keywords: factoring;economic crisis;financial crisis;Slovenia;EU;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 8727766