diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Dejan Šernek (Author), Bojan Zorec (Mentor), Franc Pozderec (Co-mentor)


Diplomska naloga z naslovom Uporaba tehnik rokoborbe pri pasivizaciji proučuje uporabo prisilnih sredstev policistov, varnostnikov in redarjev pri pasivizaciji osebe v postopku. Ker njihova uporaba posega v človekove pravice in svoboščine, je pri tem potrebno poznati in strogo upoštevati vse predpise, določene z zakonom in podzakonskimi določili. Potrebno je biti strokovno usposobljen. Tako diplomska naloga v prvem delu opredeljuje splošna načela za opravljanje policijskih nalog. Poleg tega so predstavljena vsa prisilna sredstva oz. ukrepi, ki so na razpolago represivnim organom za uspešno pasivizacijo osebe v postopku. Podrobneje je opisana fizična oz. telesna sila, kajti po statističnih podatkih policije o uporabi prisilnih sredstev uporaba le-te med leti 2000 in 2012 strogo narašča. Policija tako za opravljanje svojih nalog uporablja različne strokovne prijeme, udarce in mete, ki izhajajo iz različnih borilnih veščin (juda, karateja, aikida, jiu-jitsuja). V teh postopkih pa bi bile morebiti učinkovite tudi določene tehnike iz rokoborbe, prav tako iz starodavne borilne veščine. Le-te povečini temeljijo na naravnem gibanju osebe v določenih situacijah. V ta namen je v nadaljevanju diplomske naloge predstavljena rokoborba, njeni slogi ter nekaj tehnik, ki bi se lahko opredelile kot učinkovite, uporabne, predvsem pa uspešne za izvedbo pasivizacije. Uporaba le-teh bi lahko tako za policiste kot tudi druge represivne organe predstavljala veliko pridobitev in prednost pred ostalimi tehnikami, in sicer zaradi njihovih značilnosti. Vsekakor pa je tudi za uporabo teh tehnik potrebna fizična pripravljenost in seveda tudi praktična usposobljenost policistov, varnostnikov in redarjev.


policisti;varnostniki;redarji;pooblastila;prisilna sredstva;pasivizacija;rokoborba;tehnike;fizična sila;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: D. Šernek]
UDC: 351.741:796.8(043.2)
COBISS: 2672874 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The undergraduate thesis with the title The Use of Techniques in the Passivity studies the usage of coercive measures of police officers, security staff and bouncers when passivity of the person undergoing a procedure is taking place. Because the usage of such measures interferes with the human rights and liberties it is imperative to strictly follow all rules and regulations defined by the law and executive provisions therefore it is important to be competently trained. The undergraduate thesis thus in the first part identifies the general principles for operation of police force tasks. In addition, all coercive measures i.e. measures available to the repressive authorities to successfully incapacitate the person undergoing a procedure are introduced. The physical i.e. bodily force is described in detail, since this has rapidly grown between 2000 and 2012 according to the police statistical data on the usage of coercive measures. The police therefore use different professional grips and throws originating from various martial arts (judo, karate, aikido, jiu-jitsu). In these procedures however certain techniques of wrestling may be effective as well as techniques of ancient martial arts. The latter are based on natural motions of a person in certain situations. For this purpose wrestling, its styles and some of the techniques which could be defined as effective and useful, but mostly as successful in carrying out the passivity procedure are introduced in the following chapters of undergraduate thesis. The usage of latter could represent a major acquisition as well as advantage before the other techniques for the police officers and also other repressive authorities due to their characteristics. Nevertheless physical fitness and also practical competence of the police officers, security staff as well as bouncers is required in order to use these techniques.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 51 str.
ID: 8727767
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