diplomsko delo
Ksenja Pertinač (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


V Sloveniji se soočamo s problemom neplodnosti in hkrati s problematiko ogromnega števila otrok v rejništvu. Zaradi zapletenih, dolgotrajnih postopkov in ne dovolj usposobljenega kadra je možnost posvojitve slovenskega otroka samo mrtva črka na papirju. Slovenci se zato množično odločajo za posvojitve otrok iz tujine. Kljub sporazumu z Republiko Makedonijo o mednarodnih posvojitvah se največ otrok še vedno posvoji iz Ruske federacije. Razlog je dokaj kratka »čakalna doba« za otroka in podobnost ruskega naroda našemu, tako se otrok lahko hitreje prilagodi novemu okolju. Rusija ni podpisnica Haaške konvencije o varstvu otrok in mednarodnih posvojitvah, ki določa minimume varstva otrok in pogoje za posvojitev. Najbrž je tudi tu iskati razloge, zakaj ne samo Slovenci ampak ljudje iz celega sveta množično odhajajo po otroke v Rusijo. Jasno je, da je postopek zaradi tega manj zapleten, potreben je samo denar. Takoj, ko je v igri denar, pa pride tudi do možnosti zlorab. Rusija je ena od držav na svetu, kjer letno ugrabijo največ otrok. Nekateri se kmalu vrnejo domov, za drugimi pa se za vedno izgubi vsaka sled. Kaj se zgodi s temi otroci ni povsem znano. Se je pa potrebno zavedati, da je velika možnost, da ti otroci prisilno postanejo sirote in se jih nato ponuja kot hitro dostopno »blago« v sirotišnicah. Bodoči posvojitelji morajo paziti v prvi vrsti na interese otroka in šele nato na svoje interese. Zato je potrebno, da se seznanijo s politiko države, v kateri nameravajo posvojiti in tako preprečijo trgovino z otroci.


družinsko pravo;otroci;otrokove pravice;družina;posvojitve;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [K. Pertinač]
UDC: 347.61/.64(043.2)
COBISS: 4571947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2546
Downloads: 389
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In Slovenia we are facing with the problem of infertility and also with huge number of children in foster care. Due to complicated, time-consuming procedures and not enough qualified staff is the posibillity to adopt an Slovenia child only a dead letter. This is the reason whay Slovenians are massively adopting children from abroad. Despite the agreement on intercountry adoption with the Republic of Macedonia most of the children is still adopted from Russian Federation. The reason is quite short "waiting period" for the child and the similarity between nations, so the child can quickly adapt to the new environment. Russia has never signed the Hague adoption convention which provides minimum protection of children and conditions for adoption. That is probably the reason why Slovenians and people from around the world are massively adopting russian children. Therefore the adopting procedure is less complicated and all you need to adopt a child is money. As soon as there is money in the game, there is also a posibillity of abuse. Russia is one of the countries in the world where every year a huge number of children is kidnapped. Some of theme soon return home but others are lost forever. What exactly happens to them nobody knows. There is a possibility that those children end up in orphanages. Future adoptive parents must always work in the best interest of the children. Therefore it is necessary to get acquainted with the policy of the country in which they intend to adopt in order to prevent children trafficking.
Secondary keywords: adoption;international adoption;children trafficking;The Hague adoption convention;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 51 f.
ID: 8727782
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