magistrsko delo
Maja Lipuš (Author), Bojan Rosi (Mentor)


Sistem Park&Ride nudi možnost dostopa do mestnih središč z uporabo javnega potniškega prevoza, kar lahko posledično pripomore k zmanjšanju prometa v mestnih središčih. V magistrski nalogi smo prikazali možnost implementacije sistema Park&Ride v mestu Celje. S pomočjo demografskih značilnosti in opisa prometne situacije v Mestni občini Celje smo prišli do ugotovitve, da bi bilo v Celju zaradi vedno večjega števila dnevnih migrantov in vse pogostejših prometnih zastojev dobro v prihodnje poskrbeti za trajnostno in sonaravno mestno mobilnost s pomočjo sistema Park&Ride. Skozi tehnični, logistični in finančni vidik smo predstavili predlog implementacije sistema Park&Ride v Celju. V tehničnem vidiku smo prikazali izračun števila potrebnih parkirnih mest za zadovoljitev uporabnikov sistema Park&Ride v Celju, v logističnem vidiku smo preučili možne lokacije Park&Ride parkirišč, s pomočjo metode točkovnega vrednotenja pa smo nato določili lokacijo, ki ima največ možnosti za uspeh. Z matematičnim formuliranjem meril uspešnosti smo v okviru finančnega vidika ugotavljali, ali je sistem za potencialne uporabnike smiseln.


Celje;Park&Ride;zmanjšanje prometa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Lipuš]
UDC: 656.01(043.3)
COBISS: 512540989 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1345
Downloads: 144
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Possibilities of implementing Park&Ride system in Celje
Secondary abstract: Park&Ride system offers access to the city center by using public transport, which in turn can help to reduce traffic in city centers. In this thesis, we have demonstrated the possibility of implementing Park&Ride system in Celje. With the help of demographic characteristics and description of the traffic situation in the Municipality of Celje, we came to the conclusion that it would be good for Celje’s future to ensure a sustainable urban mobility with the help of Park&Ride system, because of the increasing number of daily commuters and traffic congestion. Through the technical, logistical and financial aspects we presented the proposal of implementing Park&Ride system in Celje. From a technical aspect, we have demonstrated the calculation of the number of parking spaces required to meet user’s demand for Park&Ride system in Celje, in the logistical aspect, we examined possible locations Park&Ride car parks, and by using point evaluation method, we have then determined the location that has the most chance of success. Through financial aspect we observed, with mathematical formulation of performance measures, if the Park&Ride system is reasonable for potential users.
Secondary keywords: Celje;Park&Ride;traffic reduction;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Mag. delo, Univ. Maribor, Fakulteta za logistiko
Pages: IX, 95 f., 5 f. pril
ID: 8727854