diplomsko delo
Urška Kupec (Author), Tjaša Ivanc (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi obravnavam tematiko zastopanja strank v pravdnem postopku. Posebej sem se osredotočila na zastopanje po odvetniku ter na pooblastilno razmerje. Pri tem sem uporabila ustrezno literaturo ter analizo vsebine pozitivno – pravne ureditve in judikature. Namen te naloge je prikazati naravo pooblastilnega razmerja ter predstaviti položaj pooblaščenca v civilnem pravdnem postopku, še posebej položaj odvetnika. Na začetku naloge predstavim odvetništvo kot ustavnopravno kategorijo ter splošne lastnosti odvetništva kot poklicne dejavnosti. Pri tem sem izhajala predvsem iz Zakona o odvetništvu. Predstavila sem osnove zastopanja ter statusno pravni vidik odvetništva. V drugem delu sem pisala o zastopanju na splošno. Izhajam iz Obligacijska zakonika. Pojasnjujem predpostavke za zastopanje, učinke zastopanja ter predstavim podlago za zastopanje. Posebej sem se osredotočila na pooblastilo in s tem pooblastilno razmerje med pooblastiteljem in pooblaščencem. Posebna pozornost je namenjena zastopanju strank v pravdnem postopku. Gre predvsem za pregled določb Zakona o pravdnem postopku. V diplomski nalogi predstavim stranko ter njeno vlogo v pravdnem postopku. Stranka mora imeti sposobnost biti stranka ter procesno oziroma pravdno sposobnost. Le-ta ji omogoča, da nastopa v pravdnem postopku. Stranka mora tudi imeti postulacijsko sposobnost, ta ji omogoča da daje dejanjem v postopku pravno relevantno obliko. Nadalje razložim položaj pooblaščenca v pravdi, torej kdo je lahko pooblaščenec in kakšne so njegove pristojnosti. Pojasnim tudi kakšen je položaj stranke v pravdi, kadar ima ta pooblaščenca. V nalogi obravnavam obliko pooblastila ter pomen, ki ga ima ta v pravdi. Obseg pooblastila določi stranka, vendar se ta razlikuje v primeru ko je pooblaščenec odvetnik in takrat ko ni. V nalogi pojasnim kakšne so odvetnikove pristojnosti v primeru, ko stranka podrobneje ne uredi njegovih nalog. Pri tem izhajam iz Zakona o pravdnem postopku, ki eksemplifikativno določa naloge odvetnika. Na kratko opišem substitucijsko pooblastilo ter možnost, da odvetnika nadomešča odvetniški kandidat ali pa odvetniški pripravnik. Odvetniki najpogosteje zastopajo stranko na podlagi mandatne pogodbe. V tem delu na kratko opišem lastnosti mandatne pogodbe izhajajoč iz Obligacijskega zakona. Pojasnim, da ima to razmerje naravo obligacije prizadevanja ter da ima odvetnik na podlagi pogodbe pravico do plačila. Na tem mestu omenim še kako je v primeru, ko stranka pooblasti odvetniško družbo za zastopanje v pravdnem postopku. V določenih primerih je obvezno zastopanje po odvetnikih. Te primere na kratko opisujem v naslednji točki. Odvetnik mora pri svojem delu ravnati vestno in pošteno ter si prizadevati za korist stranke. Odškodninsko odgovornost ter posledice nestrokovnega zastopanja je v nalogi predstavljena na podlagi sodne prakse. ZPP posebej ureja tudi prenehanje pooblastila ter različne načine kako pride do takšne situacije. V diplomskem delu povzamem zakonsko ureditev ter s pomočjo sodne prakse prikažem v katerih primerih pooblastilo preneha.


pravdni postopek;zastopanje strank;odvetniki;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [U. Kupec]
UDC: 347.926:347.965(043.2)
COBISS: 4562475 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6615
Downloads: 987
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this diploma work I discuss subject of representing clients in civil procedure. I especially focused on representation by attorney and on authorization relationship. I used corresponding literature and content analysis of positive-legal system and judicature. The purpose of this diploma work is to show the nature of authorization relationship and to present the position of representative in a civil procedure, especially the position of an attorney. In the beginning I present advocacy as a constitutionally legal category and general characteristics of advocacy as professional activity. This is mostly grounded in Advocacy act. I present who has the right to be an attorney, basics of representing and status-legal aspect of the law. In the second part I write about representation in general. I originate in Obligations code. I explain assumptions for representing, effects of representing and I present groundings for representing. I have especially focused on authorization and authorization relationship between constituent and representative. I have given special attention to representing clients in civil procedure, especially the overview of provisions in the Law of contentious proceedings. In diploma work I present a client and his or her part in civil procedure. A client has to be capable of being a client and have processing or litigation competence. This enables the client to have a part in a civil procedure. The client also has to have postulated competence, which enables him or her to give actions in the procedure legally relevant form. Further on I explain the position of the representative in the lawsuit. That is who can be a representative and what his or her authority is. I also explain the position of a client in a lawsuit when a client has a representative. In the diploma work I discuss the form of authorization and its meaning in the lawsuit. The range of the authorization is defined by the client, but it differs if the representative is an attorney or not. In the diploma work I explain the attorney’s authority in a case when the client does not manage the attorney’s task in details. I originate in the Law of contentious proceedings, which exemplificatively defines attorney’s tasks. Briefly I describe substitute authorization and the possibility of replacing an attorney with a candidate attorney or attorney’s apprentice. Attorneys usually represent clients on the basis of the term agreement. In this part I shortly describe characteristics of the term agreement based on Obligations code. I explain that this relationship has the nature of effort obligation and that on this basis a lawyer has the right to be paid. Here I also mention a case when a client authorizes a law firm to represent him or her in a constituent proceeding. In some cases representing by an attorney is obligatory. Those cases I describe further on. An attorney has to perform his or her duties conscientiously and honestly and he or she has to strive for the benefit of the client. Damage responsibility and consequences of non-professional representing are described on the basis of legal practice. The Law of contentious proceedings separately organizes cancellation of authorization and different ways that lead to this situation. In the diploma work I summarize legal arrangement and with the help of legal practice I show in which cases authorization stops.
Secondary keywords: civil procedure;authorization relationship;attorney;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: VI, 34 f.
ID: 8727878
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