delo diplomskega seminarja
Luka Kovačič (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo spoznali elektronsko bančništvo in storitve v elektronskem bančništvu, med katere spadajo plačilne kartice, bankomati, mobilno bančništvo in storitev, v katero smo se najbolj poglobili, internetno bančništvo. Spoznali smo njegove prednosti in slabosti ter koristi, ki jih imajo banke in komitenti. V sklopu internetnega bančništva smo pregledali tudi varnostne vidike in spoznali nekatere najpogostejše nevarnosti in grožnje, ki pretijo na uporabnike te storitve, in načine, na katere se pred njimi zaščitimo. V nadaljevanju smo spoznali razvoj internetnega bančništva na našem območju in predstavili ponudbo vseh bank na slovenskem. Diplomsko delo smo podprli s primerom in s predstavitvijo Banke Koper d.d., kjer smo podrobno spoznali vse njihove storitve. Banke morajo slediti novim trendom poslovanja, saj na trgu vlada hud boj za stranke, prednost pred konkurenco pa dobiš in obdržiš le, če si vedno korak pred njo. Investicije v nove načine poslovanja in iskanje ustreznih informacijskih rešitev so torej nujne in upravičene.


banke;bančništvo;bančno poslovanje;internet;elektronsko bančništvo;elektronsko poslovanje;bankomati;plačilne kartice;mobilno poslovanje;elektronski podpis;varnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Kovačič]
UDC: 336.71:004.738.5
COBISS: 11575324 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1511
Downloads: 219
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Internet banking and threats
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we focused on electronic banking and all the services in electronic banking, among which are payment cards, ATMs, mobile banking and a service that we came to know very closely, internet banking. We focused on the pros and cons of the service and on the advantages and disadvatages that it brings to clients and banks. Within internet banking we realize there are many risks and dangers preying on the user sof internet banking, we also went through the most common ones and listed and described some means of protection. We also described the developement of internet banking on Slovenian soil and described the offer of banks in our area. Thet hesis is supported by a case and presentation of Banka Koper d.d. in which we learned about their services. Banks have to follow the modern trends of doing business, because the market is very unforgiving and thefight for clients is as tense as ever. Gaining and keeping an advantage over the competition is crucial, therefore the investments being made in new ways of doing business and searching for IT solutions are necessary.
Secondary keywords: Electronic banking;internet banking;bank;ATMs;payment cards;mobile banking;security;threats;digital signature;Banka Koper d.d.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 49 str.
ID: 8727976
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