diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Martina Zavec (Author), Darja Boršič (Mentor)


Primerjalna analiza cestnega prometa v državah Francije in Španije Bistvo diplomske naloge je prikazati infrastrukturo in cestni promet v Franciji in Španiji. V diplomski nalogi bomo prikazali, v čem sta si državi podobni in v čem se razlikujeta. Skozi primerjalno analizo bomo prikazali primerjavo infrastrukture med izbranima državama. Infrastrukturo bomo primerjali po dolžini cest, kjer bomo prikazali primerjavo med dolžinami avtocest, državnih cest, regionalnih cest in lokalnih cest. Primerjali bomo tudi deleže v cestnem potniškem prometu in cestnem tovornem prometu. Prav tako bomo prikazali, kako varne so ceste v Franciji in Španiji. Predstavili bomo tudi splošne podatke izbranih držav, BDP, zunanjo trgovino, uvoz in izvoz. Statistične podatke za primerjalno analizo smo pridobili s statističnega urada Evropske unije. Podatke bomo prikazali s tabelami ter jih analizirali in primerjali s komentarjem.


infrastruktura;cestni promet;tovorni cestni promet;potniški cestni promet;primerjalna analiza;Francija;Španija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Zavec]
UDC: 656.1
COBISS: 512558397 Link will open in a new window
Views: 948
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparative analysis of road transport in France and Spain
Secondary abstract: The essence of our thesis is to show the infrastructure of road traffic in France and Spain. In our thesis we are going to discuss the similarities and differences between both countries. With the help of comparative analysis we are going to show the comparison of infrastructure between chosen countries. We are going to compare infrastructure refering to the length of the roads, where we are going to show the length of highways, state highways and regional and local roads. We are also going to compare the shares of passenger and cargo road traffic. Further we are going to show the safety of roads in France and Spain. In this thesis we are going to show common data of chosen countries, the gross domestic product, foreign trade, import and export. Statistic data for the comparative analisis was obtained from the Statistic Office of the European Union. We are going to show this data with the help of tables and are going to analize and compare them in our comment.
Secondary keywords: infrastructure;road traffic;cargo road traffic;passenger road traffic;comparative analysis;France;Spain;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: IX f., 56 str., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8728108
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