magistrsko delo
Nina Plaznik (Author), Žan Oplotnik (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga temelji na obratnem kapitalu, kateremu bi vsa podjetja morala posvečati posebno pozornost. Dobro upravljanje z obratnim kapitalom pomeni premišljeno odločanje o obsegu zalog, terjatvah do kupcev in dolgovih. V nalogi se prepletata teoretični in empirični del. V empiričnem delu smo prikazali podatke za Skupino Gorenje, ki je eden izmed vodilnih evropskih izdelovalcev aparatov za dom. Na začetku naloge smo opredelili osnovne pojme, ki so povezani z obratnim kapitalom, v naslednjem poglavju smo opisali komponente obratnega kapitala, na koncu pa opredelili še politiko obratnega kapitala. Komponente obratnega kapitala so zaloge, terjatve do kupcev, denar in obveznosti do dobaviteljev, katerim smo v nalogi namenili največ pozornosti. Prikazali smo gibanje zalog, terjatev do kupcev in obveznosti do dobaviteljev za Skupino Gorenje, in sicer smo izračunali povprečne vrednosti le-teh, dneve vezav ter koeficiente obračanja. Ker mora podjetje obratna sredstva tudi financirati, smo poskušali preko krogotoka obratnega kapitala ugotoviti, kako hitrost obračanja obratnih sredstev vpliva na financiranje obratnega kapitala. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da se s hitrejšim obračanjem obratnih sredstev znižujejo potrebe po virih financiranja. Za podjetje je dobro, da ima čim krajši cikel vezav zalog in terjatev do kupcev ter čim krajše dneve vezav obveznosti. Idealno bi bilo, če bi lahko podjetje zaloge in terjatve do kupcev financiralo z obveznostmi do dobaviteljev, vendar morajo podjetja v praksi običajno uporabljati še druge vire financiranja. V zadnjem poglavju smo se osredotočili na politiko obratnega kapitala, ki govori o višini obratnega kapitala v podjetju ter virih njihovega financiranja. Z ustrezno oblikovano politiko obratnega kapitala podjetje zniža potrebni obseg financiranja in poveča donosnost kapitala.


obratna sredstva;obratni kapital;zaloge;terjatve;kupci;dobavitelji;financiranje;obveznosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Plaznik]
UDC: 330.142.212
COBISS: 11654172 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3373
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Working capital - source of economic recovery
Secondary abstract: The following master's dissertation is based on the working capital which companies should pay more attention to. Good working capital management means a well-informed decision-making when it comes to inventories, trade accounts receivables and debts. In the dissertation theoretical and empirical parts are intertwined with each other. The empirical part includes the data for Gorenje Group, one of the leading European manufacturers of household appliances. At the beginning of the dissertation there are definitions of basic concepts connected with the working capital, whereas the next chapter deals with the components of the working capital, finally followed by the working capital policy. Components of the working capital are inventories, trade accounts receivables, cash and trade accounts payables on which we have concentrated the most. The movements of inventories, trade accounts receivables and trade accounts payables have been shown for Gorenje Group and furthermore, the average values of these, the turnover ratio in days and the turnover ratio have been calculated. Since the company needs to finance the working capital, we have tried to determine how the rate of turning affects the working capital financing by means of the working capital conversion cycle. We have come to the conclusion that the high turnover of the working capital reduces the need for financing the resources. It is better for the company to have shorter days of inventories turnover, trade accounts receivables and trade accounts payables turnover. The perfect situation would be if the company could finance its inventories and trade accounts receivables with the trade accounts payables. However, in reality companies need to search for other resources of financing. In the last chapter we are focused on the working capital policy, which talks about the amount of the working capital in the company and resources for their financing. With appropriately formed working capital policy the company reduces the necessary range of financing and increases the return of capital.
Secondary keywords: Current assets;working capital;inventories;trade accounts receivables;trade accounts payables;cash;working capital conversion cycle;working capital policy;working capital financing.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 68 str.
ID: 8728284