diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
Gregor Sabolek (Author), Marjan Senegačnik (Mentor)


Vedno večje vsebnosti CO2-ja v ozračju in posledično onesnaževanje okolja, nas silijo k temeljitem razmisleku o našem načinu življenja. Osebna vozila, ki temeljijo na notranjem izgorevanju fosilnih goriv, trenutno prispevajo kar petino svetovnih CO2 emisij, do leta 2050 pa se bodo vrednosti podvojile. Kemične in fizične lastnosti alternativnih goriv vplivajo na ceno, vozne lastnosti, stroške vzdrževanje in samo arhitekturo vozil, zato je ključno, da poznamo vse prednosti in slabosti, ter da izberemo alternativo, ki bo nam kot vozniku najbližja. Pri prehodu na alternativna pogonska goriva, igra veliko vlogo tudi infrastruktura polnilnic in državna regulativa, ki bi se morala na problem emisij odzvati veliko bolj odločno in vzpodbudno, v obliki nižjih trošarin in registracij, izgradnji infrastrukture, ter delnem subvencioniranju predelave vozil. Kljub pojavu novih tehnologij, hibridov, električnih vozil in vozil na gorivne celice, je za povprečnega uporabnika še vedno najugodnejša predelava vozila na utekočinjen naftni plin oz. zemeljski plin, saj se investicija pri povprečni vožnji, povrne že v roku dveh let. Slovenija je na svetovnem zemljevidu alternativnih pogonskih goriv še vedno palček, a zato z ogromnim potencialom. Le na nas je, da se pričnemo zavedati, da na vrednost emisij in kvaliteto okolja, lahko z izbiro primernega alternativnega goriva, vplivamo tudi sami.


električna vozila;onesneževanje;fosilna goriva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [G. Sabolek]
UDC: 504
COBISS: 7252755 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1996
Downloads: 552
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and, consequently, the increasing pollution of environment is forcing us to consider our way of life carefully. Passenger cars based on the internal combustion of fossil fuels currently contribute to a fifth of global CO2 emissions. The value of emissions is expected to be doubled by 2050. Chemical and physical properties of alternative fuels have significant effect on the price, performance, maintenance costs and architecture of vehicle. It is therefore vital to know all the pros (advantages) and cons (disadvantages) and to select the alternative that will meet the drivers needs as much as possible. In the transition to alternative fuels, there is a significant role of Charging Stations Infrastructure and Government Legislation. Legislation should respond to the problem of emissions much more determined and encouraging in the form of lower excise duties, building of Charging Stations, dynamic vehicle registration costs and partial subsidies of vehicle recycle. Despite the emergence of new technologies, hybrids, electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, it is still most cost effective for an average user to redesign vehicle to the use of LPG or natural gas, as the investment at an average speed pays off within 2 years. Comparing to the world, Slovenia faces low level of the use of alternative motor fuels but it has a huge potential to increase it. It is our responsibility to become aware of the value of the emissions and it's effect on the quality of the environment. People should be aware of the possibility of the appropriate alternative fuel choice and their effect on the increased quality of environment.
Secondary keywords: electric vehicles;internal combustion engine vehicles;pollution;gas powered vehicles;fossil fuels.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 64 f.
ID: 8728332
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