magistrsko delo
Sašo Berić (Author), Breda Kegl (Mentor), Marko Kegl (Co-mentor)


Računalniška dinamika tekočin predstavlja učinkovito orodje pri iskanju izboljšav na področju izpušnih sistemov kot je SCR (angl.: Selectiv Catalytic Reduction, Selektivna katalitična redukcija) sistem. Omogoča analiziranje tokovnih karakteristik znotraj izpušnega sistema, vpliva geometrije sistema na konverzijo dušikovih oksidov. V predstavljeni nalogi je prikazano iterativno optimiranje SCR sistema s pomočjo računalniške dinamike tekočin. Najprej je bila izvedena numerična analiza obstoječega sistema. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov je bila izvedena sprememba geometrije, kateri je bili dodan mešalni element. Sledila je ročna in avtomatska optimizacija kota vbrizga AdBlue-ja (vodna raztopina sečnine, razmerje 0.675/0.325). Simulacije so bile narejene s pomočjo AVL-ovega programskega paketa FIRE v2013.1. Analiza rezultatov simulacij je pokazala, da optimiranje same geometrije ne doprinese veliko, kar se tiče NH3 priprave in uniformnosti NH3. Za izboljšanje učinkovitosti »kompaktnega« SCR sistema je potrebno vključiti mešalni element in optimirati kot vbrizgalne šobe. Z ročno optimizacijo kota vbrizga je možno relativno enostavno in hitro doseči zelo dobre vrednosti uniformnosti NH3. Za dobro pripravo in uniformnost NH3 poskrbi avtomatska optimizacija, ki predstavlja učinkovito orodje pri iskanju optimalnega kota vbrizga AdBlue-ja.


SCR sistem;redukcija NOx;računalniška dinamika tekočin;vodna raztopina sečnine;NH3;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Berić]
UDC: 621.43.068:62-522(043.2)
COBISS: 17687830 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2489
Downloads: 106
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimization of the SCR system
Secondary abstract: Computational fluid dynamics is an effective tool in the search for improvements in exhaust systems such as SCR (Selectiv Catalytic Reduction) system. It allows analysisi of current characteristics within the exhaust system and impact of geometry on the nitrogen oxides conversion. The current thesis shows the iterative optimization process of the SCR system using computational fluid dynamics. First numerical analysis of the existing exhaust system was performed. According to the results changes of the geometry were performed. To the new geometry mixing element was added. Additional to this, a manual and automated optimization for AdBlue injection angle was performed. Simulations were carried out using AVL FIRE v2013.1. Analysis of the simulation results showed that the optimization of the geometry itself does not contribute much in terms of the preparation of NH3 and the uniformity of NH3. To improve efficiency of »compact« SCR systems, it is necessary to include a mixing element and to optimize the angle of injection. With manual optimization of injection angle one can relative easily and quickly come to a very good uniformity of NH3. To ensure high uniformity of NH3 the automatic optimization represents an effective tool in the search for the optimal angle for AdBlue injection.
Secondary keywords: SCR system;NOx reduction;computational fluid dynamics;urea solution;NH3;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: IX, 75 f.
ID: 8728389
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