diplomsko delo
Martina Toplak (Author), Marko Jesenšek (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Murkovo slovaropisno delo je analizirani Slovensko-nemški in Nemško-slovenski slovar Antona Murka. V uvodu je obravnavano življenje slovničarja in leksikografa Antona Murka (1809-1871), ki je za slovenski jezik zelo pomemben. Deloval je v času, ko se je v slovenskem prostoru oblikovalo več pokrajinskih različic, med njimi vzhodnoštajerski. Bil je eden redkih, ki se je zavedal, da je na majhnem slovenskem prostoru potreben enoten knjižni jezik. Sledi obravnava njegovih jezikoslovnih del (slovnica, kronike ter Fabule ino pesmi Leopolda Volkmera), ki so izredno pomembna za razvoj slovenskega jezika in naroda. V jedru diplomskega dela je analizirani Slovensko-nemški in Nemško-slovenski slovar (zgradba slovarja, slovnične oznake, geselski članek, posebnosti slovarja). Ker je Murkov slovar gradil na osnovi besednih družin in s tem širil slovensko besedje, sem izpisala ter analizirala besede iz iste besedne družine (besede, ki jih druži isti koren), iz obeh delov slovarja. Vključen je tudi izvor besedja ter kritika slovarja. Sledi primerjava Murkovega s Pleteršnikovim slovarjem. Diplomsko delo je zaključeno z ugotovitvami, ki so bile pomembne za nastanek slovarja.


diplomska dela;slovaropisje;slovnica;besedne družine;slovensko-nemški slovarji;nemško-slovenski slovarji;Murko;Anton;1809-1871;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Toplak]
UDC: 811.163.6'374(043.2)
COBISS: 20308488 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1290
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Murko's dictionary work
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis entitled Murko's dictionary work is analyzed the Slovenian-German and German-Slovenian dictionary of Anton Murko. The introduction presents the life of grammarian and lexicographer Anton Murko (1809-1871), who was very important for Slovenian language. He worked in the time when several provincial variations were formed in the Slovenian area, including Eaststyria. He was one of the few, who were aware that on a small Slovenian territory a uniform literary language is required. In the thesis then follows a discussion of his linguistic work (Slovnica, Kronike and Fabule ino pesmi of Leopold Volkmer), which was extremely important for the development of the Slovenian language and nation. At the core of the thesis is analyzed Slovenian-German and German-Slovenian dictionary (dictionary structure, grammatical descriptions, passphrase article, particularities of the dictionary). Since Murko built the dictionary on the basis of word families and with that had expanded the Slovenian vocabulary, I displayed out and analyzed words from the same word families (words that share the same root), from both parts of the dictionary. I also included the source of vocabulary and dictionary criticism. In the thesis then follows a comparison of Murko's with Pleteršnik's dictionary. The thesis is concluded with the findings that were important for the formation of the dictionary.
Secondary keywords: Anton Murko;Slovnica;Kronike;Leopold Volkmer;Eaststyria language;dictionary analysis;criticism;source of vocabulary;Pleteršnik;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: II, 105 f.
ID: 8728398
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