diplomsko delo
Skrbništvo spada pod vejo družinskega prava, poleg tega pa družinsko pravo ureja zakonsko zvezo, zunajzakonska skupnost, razmerja med starši in otroki, posvojitev, rejništvo in skrbništvo. Temeljni zakon, ki v slovenskem prostoru ureja področje skrbništva, je Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih (ZZZDR ). Pri skrbništvu gre za zakonsko urejeno obliko družbenega varstva mladoletnikov, za katere starši iz različnih razlogov ne skrbijo, in polnoletnih oseb, ki niso sposobne same skrbeti zase, za svoje pravice in koristi. Posebno varstvo pa je mogoče tudi za osebe, ki nimajo možnosti, da bi same skrbele za svoje pravice in koristi. Glede na subjekte varstva naša zakonodaja pozna tri oblike skrbništva: skrbništvo za mladoletne osebe, skrbništvo za osebe, ki jim je odvzeta poslovna sposobnost in skrbništvo za posebne primere.
V diplomski nalogi se bom osredotočila na institut skrbništva mladoletnih oseb. Najprej bom predstavila zgodovino skrbništva v slovenskem prostoru, saj institut skrbništva zasledimo že v rimskem pravu.
V tretjem delu se bom osredotočila na pravne vire (glavne in dopolnilne), ki urejajo skrbništvo v Republiki Sloveniji (RS).
V četrtem delu bom opredelila temeljne pojme v zvezi s skrbništvom, kot so poslovna sposobnost, roditeljska pravica, skrbnik ter varovanec.
V petem delu sledi obravnava instituta skrbništva mladoletnih oseb, predvsem pojem in namen skrbništva, postopek postavitve mladoletnika pod skrbništvo ter pravice in obveznosti skrbnika in mladoletnega varovanca.
V zadnjem šestem poglavju pa bom predstavila center za socialno delo (v nadaljevanju CSD) Šmarje pri Jelšah. Obravnavala bom primere skrbništva mladoletnih oseb v obdobju 2007-2012 na območju CSD Šmarje pri Jelšah.
Cilj diplomske naloge je predstavitev instituta skrbništva mladoletnih oseb, seznaniti se s pravno ureditvijo v RS in postopkom postavitve mladoletne osebe pod skrbništvo ter predstaviti primere iz prakse. Ravno zato sem se tudi obrnila na CSD Šmarje pri Jelšah, da mi pomagajo predstaviti institut skrbništva mladoletnih oseb na podlagi konkretnih primerov, ki so se zgodili, in analizirati postopek postavitve mladoletne osebe pod skrbništvo.
Pri diplomski nalogi sem si pomagala z literaturo s področja družinskega prava, predvsem z literaturo, v kateri je predstavljeno skrbništvo. Obiskala sem tudi CSD Šmarje pri Jelšah, so mi posredovali informacije o statističnih podatkih za obravnavano obdobje in primere odločb, ter me seznanili s potekom zadev v praksi.
skrbništvo;skrbništvo mladoletnih oseb;oskrbnik;varovanec;Center za socialno delo;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[M. Zorin] |
UDC: |
349(043.2) |
Views: |
1592 |
Downloads: |
244 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Guardianship falls under the branch of family law, which also regulates marriage, extramarital union, relations between parents and children, adoption, fostering and guardianship. The Basic Law, which regulates guardianship on the Slovenian territory, is the Marriage and Family Relations Act (ZZZDR). Guardianship is a regulated form of social protection of young persons, instituted for children whose parents do not take care of them (for various reasons), and legally mature persons who are not capable of looking after their rights and benefits themselves. Special protection can also be provided to other persons who have not themselves the possibility of looking after their own rights and benefits. Slovenian legislation recognizes three forms of guardianship, based on entities of protection: guardianship of a young person, guardianship of persons from whom business competence has been removed and guardianship in special cases.
The main focus of my thesis is the institution of guardianship of young persons. In the first part the history of guardianship on the Slovenian territory is presented, since the institution of guardianship can be traced all the way back to the Roman law.
The third part focuses on sources of law (main and secondary) which regulate guardianship in the Republic of Slovenia (RS).
The fourth part defines the basic concepts relating to guardianship, such as legal capacity, parental rights, a guardian and a ward.
In the fifth part a discussion of the institute of guardianship of young persons follows, in particular about the concept and purpose of guardianship, about the process of placing a young person under guardianship and about the rights and obligations of the guardian and the minor ward.
In the sixth and last chapter the Šmarje pri Jelšah Social Work Centre (SWC) is presented. Cases of guardianship of young persons from the period 2007-2012 in the area covered by the Šmarje pri Jelšah SWC are discussed.
The aim of this work is to present the institute of guardianship of young persons and its place in the legal system of the Republic of Slovenia, the process of placing a young person under guardianship and practical examples. That is why I also contacted the Šmarje pri Jelšah SWC to help me present the institute of guardianship of young persons based on actual cases that occurred and analyze the process of placing a young person under guardianship.
The thesis is based on the literature from the area of family law, in particular on the literature where the guardianship is presented. The Šmarje pri Jelšah SWC provided the information on the statistics for the period, examples of decisions, and I there I could also take note how things work in practice. |
Secondary keywords: |
guardianship;guardianship of minors;guardian;ward;Social Work Centre; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
77 f. |
ID: |
8728407 |