razlika med angloameriškim in kontinentalnim pristopom
Diplomska naloga govori o ogledu kraja najdbe trupla s strani angloameriškega in kontinentalnega načina preiskovanja. Med pregledovanjem literature sem ugotovila, da tema še ni raziskana, čeprav gre za pomembno tematiko na področju kriminalistike. Preiskovanje kraja kaznivega dejanja je dolg proces, ki zahteva dosledno dokumentiranje stanj in zbiranje vseh sledi in dokazov, ki bi lahko pripeljali do ugotovitve poteka dejanj in resnice o dogodku. Prav s preiskavo kraja se največkrat razjasni kaznivo dejanje in velikokrat je od pozornosti in znanja kriminalistov ter od organizacije in poteka preiskovanja odvisno, ali bo storilec odkrit in dejanje razjasnjeno ter ali bodo zbrani vsi potrebni dokazi za obsodbo storilca. V diplomski nalogi sem se spraševala, ali pri nečem tako kompleksnem in zahtevnem kot je preiskovanje kraja najdbe trupla obstajajo razlike glede na to ali je bilo kaznivo dejanje storjeno v eni izmed držav, kjer uporabljajo angloameriški pristop, ali v eni izmed držav, kjer uporabljajo kontinentalnega. Pri pisanju diplomskega dela ugotavljam, ali obstajajo razlike v postopku, ki je predpisan za preiskovanje kraja najdbe trupla, ali pa teh razlik v samem postopku ni. Za pisanje diplomske naloge in preverjanje svojih prepričanj sem pregledala vire domačih in tujih avtorjev na temo preiskovanja kraja kaznivega dejanja, kjer je bilo najdeno truplo, ter primerjala angloameriški pristop k preiskovanju s kontinentalnim pristopom. Velikih razlik v pristopih ni. Kar se tiče preiskovanja, zavarovanja ter dokumentiranja kraja, razlik sploh ni. Kažejo se le v različnem poimenovanju oseb ter v dolžnostih posameznikov.
kriminalistika;kriminalistično preiskovanje;kraj kaznivega dejanja;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
V. Zibelnik] |
UDC: |
343.98(043.2) |
Views: |
891 |
Downloads: |
82 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
The thesis is about corps crime scene investigation by the Anglo-American and Continental approach. When reading the literature I found that this topic has not yet been studied, even though it is an important topic in the field of criminology. Investigating the crime scene is a long process that requires strict documentation of states and collection of all the clues and evidence that could lead to the conclusion of actions that took place and to the truth about the event. It is the investigation of the scene that usually clarifies the offense. It often depends on the focus and knowledge of criminal investigators and on the organization and the process of the investigation, whether or not the offender will be found and act clarified and whether there will be enough necessary evidence collected for the conviction of the offender. In this thesis I am trying to find whether there are differences in something as complex and challenging as the investigation of a scene where a body is found, whether the offense was committed in one of the countries that uses Anglo-American approach, or in one of the countries that uses Continental one. When writing the thesis I was interested in whether there are differences in the procedure prescribed for the investigation of a scene where a body is found, or there are no differences at all. To write this thesis and to check my beliefs, I have reviewed sources of domestic and foreign authors on the topic of investigating the crime scene where a body is found and compared Anglo-American approach to Continental approach to investigating. There are no big differences in the approaches. In terms of investigation, insurance and documentation there are not any at all. Differences were found only in a different naming of personnel and in different individual responsibilities. |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
41 str. |
ID: |
8728415 |