(diplomsko delo)
Marija Horvat (Author), Mateja Lorber (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: slikanje z magnetno resonanco je novejša radiološka metoda slikan ja telesa in notranjih organov. Za uspešno slikanje je potrebna dobra informiranost pacientov in dobra priprava pacienta ter pravilna namestitev v močno statično magnetno polje. Prav tako smo želeli predstaviti vlogo medicinske sestre ambulanti za diagnostiko z magnetno resonanco, kajti njeno delo poteka vse od sprejema pacienta, psihične in fizične priprave, do odhoda s preiskave. V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti ali so pacienti, naročeni na preiskavo dobro seznanjeni o tej diagnostiki. Metodologija: uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metoda. Anketiranih je bilo 60 naključnih pacientov v ambulanti za diagnostiko z MR pred preiskavo v Medicinsko termalnem centru Fontana d.o.o. Maribor. Izvedli smo retrospektivno študijo oz. pregled podatkov iz arhiva za obdobje 2 let ter raziskali kateri so bili vzroki za neopravljene preiskave. Rezultati: Z anketno raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je večina pacientov bila dobro seznanjena glede preiskave z MR, kljub temu, da se je 65 % pacientov prvič srečalo s to diagnostiko. Ugotovili smo, da je 20 % anketirancev bilo strah preiskave in 5 % anketiranih je pred preiskavo vzelo pomirjevalo. Hkrati je 43 % anketiranih strah zaprtih prostorov. Zaradi pogostih odpovedi in izostankov smo pripravili zloženko za lažjo predstavo. Sklep: Boljša informiranost, tako med zdravstvenimi delavci kot med pacienti bi lahko pripomogla k poznavanju kontraindikacij za magnetno resonančno slikanje in s tem večje zadovoljstvo med pacienti, kakor tudi učinkovito zdravstveno obravnavo v ustanovah katere opravljajo te preiskave ter zmanjšanjem čakalne dobe s pravočasno preusmeritvijo na druge diagnostične metode.


medicinske sestre;magnetna resonanca;pacienti;klavstrofobija;kontrastno sredstvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Horvat]
UDC: 539.1-616-07(043.2)
COBISS: 1994404 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2598
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Theoretical background: magnetic resonance imaging is a newer radiological method for body and internal organs. For successful imaging requires good information for patients and good patient preparation and installation in a strong static magnetic field. Also, we want to present the role of nurse, because she leads patients from the start to the end of imaging. She took care for mental and physical preparation of the investigation. In the thesis was to determine whether patients are well aware of this investigation. Methodology: it was used quantitative method. Respondents were 60 patients in the clinic for diagnosis with MR prior to the Medical center Fontana. We performed a retrospective study. Review of data from the archive for a period of 2 years and studied what were the reason for missed tests. Results: The survey-based study, we found that most patients were well informed regarding the investigation with MR, however, that 65 % of patients for the first time faced with this diagnostic, they knew what its specifics. We found that 20 % of respondents were afraid of investigation and 5 % of those surveyed before the investigation took a sedative. At the same time 43 % of respondents fear of enclosed spaces. Due to frequent cancellations and absences, we have prepared a leaflet for easier understanding. Conclusion: For better information, both among health professionals and the patients may have contributed to the knowledge of contraindications to MR, thereby increasing satisfaction among patients, as well as an effective medical treatment in institutions which carry out these investigations and reducing waiting times by timely shifting to other diagnostic methods.
Secondary keywords: nurse;magnetic resonance imaging;patient;claustrophobia;contrast agent;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: 56 f.
ID: 8728437
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