delo diplomskega seminarja
Živan Gagović (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Jedro uspešnega proizvodnega podjetja je dobro zasnovan sistem. Sodobnega poslovanja si tako ni več mogoče zamisliti brez podpore informacijskih tehnologij. Razvoj elektronskega poslovanja se iz dneva v dan bolj širi v nepredstavljive možnosti. Programska rešitev SAP/R3 ustvarja konkurenčno prednost v proizvodnih podjetjih, ki to obvladujejo. Danes praktično ni več mogoče poslovati brez računalnikov in njim spremljevalne sistemske podpore. V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali informatizacijo procesov kontrolinga v podjetju Palfinger d.o.o.. V prvem delu naloge smo predstavili področje problema, cilje, teze, predpostavk, omejitve in predvidene metode raziskovanja diplomske naloge. V nadaljevanju spoznamo podjetje Palfinger d.o.o. in programsko rešitev SAP/R3. V drugem delu opisujemo različne teoretične opredelitve posameznih avtorjev o pojmu kontrolinga. V nadaljevanju smo opredelili kontroling v podjetju Palfinger d.o.o., analizirali razlike med strateškim in operativnim kontrolingom v podjetju, opisali in natančneje opredelili ter analiziralinaloge kontrolerja v podjetju Palfinger d.o.o.. Na koncu še podrobno predstavimo kako poteka proces investicij v povezavi z programsko rešitvijo SAP/R3.


informacijska tehnologija;informacijski sistemi;programske rešitve;SAP R/3;informatizacija;kontroling;planiranje;konkurenčna prednost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [Ž. Gagović]
UDC: 005.336.5:004
COBISS: 11687964 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1684
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Informatizational process of controlling in the company Palfinger d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: The core of a successful manufacturing company is a well-designed system. The world can not imagine modern business without the support of information technologies. The development of electronic business is expanding day by day to unimaginable possibilities. Software solution SAP/R3 creates a competitive advantage in manufacturing companies that dominate this solution. Today is practically no longer possible to operate without computer and their support system. This thesis covers informatization of processes of controlling in company Palfinger d.o.o. We presented the field of the problem, the goals, the premises, presumptions, limitations and expected research methods in the first part of the thesis. We described the company Palfinger d.o.o. in detail, as well as software solution SAP/R3. In the second part we presented different theoretical definitions by several authors about the concept of controlling. We explained the concept of controlling in company Palfinger d.o.o. and analyzed the difference between strategic and operational controlling in the company. Further we described, specifyed and analyzed jobs from controller in the company Palfinger d.o.o.. We presented in detail how the process of investements in relation to software solution SAP/R3 in company Palfinger d.o.o. works
Secondary keywords: Information System;Software solution;SAP R/3;controlling;planning;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 8728438
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