diplomsko delo
Daniela Stamatović (Author), Zlatka Cugmas (Mentor)


V svojem diplomskem delu Učiteljevo spodbujanje mnogoterih inteligentnosti pri učencih razrednega pouka sem se osredotočila na opisovanje in raziskavo mnogoterih inteligentnosti, ki jih je preučeval že Gardner. Do danes, ko sem napisala diplomsko delo, nisem poznala razlike med besedo inteligentnost in inteligenca. Opazila sem, da se nepravilna uporaba ene in druge besede pojavlja tudi v strokovnih literaturah. Prav zaradi tega sem se odločila, da na začetku teoretičnega dela razložim, kaj je inteligentnost in kaj inteligenca. Prav tako sem v teoretičnem delu opisala najbolj znane in pomembne teoretike, ki so védenju o inteligentnosti pustili zgodovinski pečat. Med najbolj znane teoretike spadajo: Galton, Binet in Simon, Piaget, Spearman, Thurstone, Burt in Vernon ter Cattell in Horn. Opisala sem njihovo vlogo in pomen v svetu kognitivne psihologije. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela sem opisala novejša pojmovanja inteligentnosti, ki se nekako izboljšujejo in dopolnjujejo z že prej omenjenimi teorijami. V današnjem času imata največji pomen in vlogo Sternbergova teorija trojne inteligentnosti in Gardnerjeva teorija mnogoterih inteligentnosti. Izmed teh dveh teorij sem se najbolj posvetila Gardnerjevi, na kateri temelji moje celotno diplomsko delo. Gardner sodi med najbolj znane sodobne zagovornike teorije o več inteligentnostih. V svoji knjigi Razsežnost uma opisuje osem enakovrednih in relativno neodvisnih inteligentnosti: logično-matematično, jezikovno, glasbeno, prostorsko, telesno-gibalno, interpersonalno, intrapersonalno in naturalistično, tem je dodal tudi duhovno in eksistencialno inteligentnost. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela sem vsako izmed inteligentnosti posebej omenila in podrobneje opisala. Kot prihodnjo učiteljico razrednega pouka sta me zanimali tako uporaba kot možnost vključitve teorije o več inteligentnostih v izobraževalni proces. Menim, da bi moral vsak razredni učitelj več časa posvetiti ugotavljanju in spodbujanju posameznikove inteligentnosti. Temu sem namenila nekaj besed v zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem s pomočjo računalniškega programa SPSS obdelala podatke, ki sem jih pridobila z anketnim vprašalnikom o mnogoterih inteligentnostih. Zanimalo me je, ali obstajajo pomembne povezanosti med leti poučevanja učiteljev in vprašanji o mnogoterih inteligentnostih. Prav tako me je zanimalo, katere inteligentnosti učitelji najbolj spodbujajo ter, s tem povezano, katere dejavnosti pri pouku tudi najbolj vključujejo. Glede na to da učitelji v šoli zelo spodbujajo prizadevnost, me je zanimalo tudi to, ali ima slednja po njihovem mnenju poleg učenčeve sposobnosti na učni uspeh večjo vlogo. Izračuni Pearsonovih korelacijskih koeficientov so potrdili ničelno hipotezo, da med števili let poučevanja in odgovori na vprašanja o mnogoterih inteligentnostih ni pomembne statistične povezanosti. Predhodne raziskave so prav tako pokazale, da imata največji vpliv na učenčev učni uspeh logično-matematična in jezikovna inteligentnost, zato je bilo tudi pričakovati, da učitelji najpogosteje pri pouku vključujejo dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo prav ti dve inteligentnosti. Slednje so izračuni korelacij tudi potrdili in prikazali, da učitelji najpogosteje pri pouku vključujejo račune in računske naloge ter branje in odgovarjanje na vprašanja. Glede na razlike o pomembnosti učenčeve prizadevnosti in sposobnosti na učni uspeh pa so raziskave pokazale, da učitelji še vedno dajejo večjo vlogo učenčevi prizadevnosti kot pa sposobnosti. Izračuni korelacij pa so prikazali zanimive statistično pomembne povezave med dejavnostmi, ki jih učitelji pri pouku najpogosteje vključujejo, in inteligentnostmi, ki jih najbolj spodbujajo. Prav tako pa je žalostno dejstvo, da se v šolah še vedno najbolj spodbujata logično-matematična in jezikovna inteligentnost, premalo pozornosti pa se posveča ostalim inteligentnostim, kar pa Gardner omenja že v poglavju o spremembah izobraževanja.


diplomska dela;inteligenca;inteligentnost;razredna stopnja;učitelji;spodbujanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Stamatović]
UDC: 159.92(043.2)
COBISS: 20260872 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2836
Downloads: 585
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In my diploma thesis titled Teacher's promotion of multiple intelligences among pupils in lower classes attention is given to description and research of multiple intelligences already studied by Gardner. I have not known the difference between the words intelligence and intellect until I finished my thesis. I have noticed that an inappropriate use of these two words is found in specialized literature as well. This is the reason why these two words are explained in the beginning of the theoretical part. The theoretical part of the thesis also introduces well-known and important theorists who have left a valuable contribution in the history of intelligence. Some of them are Galton, Binet in Simon, Piaget, Spearman, Thurstone, Burt, Vernon, Cattell and Horn. I have described their role and importance in the world of cognitive psychology. In the following chapters of the thesis I have also presented newer conceptions of intelligence that have been improving and supplementing with the previously mentioned theories. Nowadays two theories are of great value - Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. More attention in the thesis is given to the Gardner's theory because my thesis is entirely based on it. Gardner is considered one of well-known modern representative of multi intelligences theory. In his book Frames of mind he introduces eight equivalent and relatively independent intelligences: logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, bodily- kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic. However, he added two other abilities: moral and existential intelligence. Each type of intelligence is presented in details. As a future teacher of lower classes I have been interested in use and possibilities of introducing theory of multiple intelligences in the education process. I think that each teacher in the lower classes should pay more attention to noticing and encouraging individual's intelligence. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with this theme. In the empirical part of the thesis I used the programme SPSS to process data gained by the questionnaire on multiple intelligences. I wanted to find out if there were important correlations between years of teaching and questions about multiple intelligences. Furthermore, I also wanted to see what intelligences are encouraged most by teachers and what activities are most often used in education process. Considering the fact that teachers promote hard work a lot I wanted to find out whether this ability has stronger influence on school success. The calculations of Pearson correlation coefficient have confirmed the null hypothesis - there is no important statistic correlation between years of teaching and answers to questions about multiple intelligences. The previous researches show that logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligences have the biggest impact on child's school success. It is expected that teachers use a lot of activities during education process that promote these two types of intelligence. The calculations of correlations have confirmed and proved that teachers most often use calculations and calculating tasks as well as reading and answering the questions. Furthermore, teachers still give more attention to child's hard work than his abilities. Correlation calculations have also shown some interesting statistically important correlations between activities that teachers most often use in a classroom and intelligences that they promote a great deal. Unfortunately, the fact is that too much attention in school is still given to logical - mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligences whereas others types are neglected. This is something that Gardner mentions in his chapter about changes in the education process.
Secondary keywords: intelligence;intellect;multiple intelligences;Gardner;lower classes of primary school;teachers of lower classes;hard work;ability.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 75 f.
ID: 8728456