diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Nina Ačić (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


Raziskave o spominu obdolžencev so sicer bolj skope, v primerjavi s spominom žrtve in prič. Vendar pa ne pomeni, da je v psihologiji to nova tema. Raziskave in študije na to temo potekajo že skoraj 100 let. Način, kako se storilci spomnijo in na kakšen način pripovedujejo o zločinu, zbuja vse več zanimanja pri raziskovalcih in strokovnjakih. Ti posvečajo vse večjo pozornost tej tematiki. Večina oseb, ki niso strokovnjaki, verjame, da je možno, da se oseba ne spomni dogodka kaznivega dejanja. Strokovnjaki na tem področju, pa so mnenja, da pride do popolne izgube spomina, zaradi posledice močnih čustev in ogromne količine zlorab opojnih substanc (alkohola, droge). Ko preučujemo spomin obtožencev, ni pomembna le vsebina spomina, ampak tudi različna oblika spomina, amnezija proti vsiljenim spominom in različni pogledi (aspekti) na dogodek. Obtoženci se pogosto za svoja dejanja, izgovarjajo na amnezijo. Še posebej takrat, ko gre za huda nasilna kazniva dejanja. Pri nekaterih gre za simulirano izgubo spomina, lahko pa nastanejo, kot posledica fizioloških dejavnikov (uživanje opojnih substanc). Prav tako, pa lahko pride tudi do delne ali popolne amnezije, ki pa nastane, kot posledica psihične stiske in/ali močnih čustev, zaradi zagrešenega zločina. Petdeset kanadskih morilcev je opisovalo svoj spomin na umor, na nenasilno kaznivo dejanje in njihovo najbolj pozitivno izkušnjo življenju. Preiskovalci so ugotovili, da se morilci popolnoma spomnijo umora in čutnih zaznav. Čeprav so disociativna nagnjenja povezana z izgubo spomina, ni nobenih pokazateljev, da bi bil spomin vidno prizadet. Ugotovitve kažejo na to, da se spomin na umor s pomočjo močnih čustev, ki so povezani z zgrešitvijo umora, znatno izboljšuje.


kazniva dejanja;storilci;spomin;psihološke značilnosti;profiliranje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: N. Ačić]
UDC: 159.9:340.6(043.2)
COBISS: 2736106 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1202
Downloads: 146
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: There is not many studies about offenders memory in comparison with eyewitnesses and vicitms. However this doesn't mean it's a new theme in the psychology. Research and studies on this topic are ongoing for almost 100 years. The way the perpetrators recall they memory of the crime, rousing interest in researchers and experts. They are paying more attention to this topic. The majority of persons who are not experts, believes that it is possible that a person does not remember the event of crime , experts in this area, however, are of the opinion that it comes to a complete loss of memory due to the effects of strong emotions and huge quantities of intoxicating substanc abuse (alcohol and drug abuse). When examining memory contents is not only important a memory, but also different form of memory, amnesia, memory, different injection against views (aspects) for the event. Defendants commonly clime amnesia for their crime actions expecially in cases involving extreme violence. While some claims are malingered or result from physiological factors, other cases may represent genuine partial or complete amnesia resulting from the psychological distress and/or extreme emotion associated with the perpetration of the crime. Fifty Canadian homicide offenders described their memories oftheir homicide, a non-homicide violent offense, and their most positive adulthood life experience. Selfreported and objective measures of memories for these events revealed that homicides were recalled with the greatest level of detail and sensory information. Although dissociative tendencies were associated with aself-reported memory loss, objective measures of memory quality did not reflect this perceived impairment, suggesting a failure of meta-memory. Findingssuggest that memory for homicide typically is enhanced by the powerful emotion associated with its perpetration.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 42 str.
ID: 8728535
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