diplomsko delo
Natalija Ludvik (Author), Uroš Horvat (Mentor)


Turizem je gospodarska dejavnost, v katero se vključuje zelo širok krog dejavnosti, s čimer se povečujejo gospodarske koristi, pospešuje regionalni razvoj, povečuje vrednost naravnih vrednot in kulturne dediščine ter omogoča povečevanje družbene koristi. Diplomsko delo predstavlja turistično ponudbo v občini Lenart in predlaga možnost razvoja turizma kot gospodarske dejavnosti. Občina Lenart je danes večinoma turistično zanimiva samo za domače izletniške turiste in nima razvite turistične ponudbe, privlačne tujim obiskovalcem. S pomočjo literature in virov sem predstavila značilnosti različnih vrst turizma, ki se pojavljajo na omenjenem območju, predstavila obstoječo turistično ponudbo in analizirala prednosti in slabosti območja ter s turizmom pogojene nevarnosti in priložnosti. Nanizala sem tudi osnovne naravne in družbeno-geografske značilnosti občine, saj so le-te osnova za razvoj turistične dejavnosti in turistične ponudbe. Z analizo statističnih podatkov sem pregledala turistični promet v občini. Anketni vprašalnik je služil za prikaz zadovoljstva krajanov s turistično ponudbo v občini z njihovimi mnenji in predlogi o turizmu v občini nasploh. Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena obstoječa literatura in obdelani statistični podatki. Učinki turizma niso samo kratkoročni, kažejo se tudi dolgoročno z razvojem terciarnih in drugih s turizmom povezanih dejavnosti.


diplomska dela;turistična geografija;turistični razvoj;Lenart;turistična ponudba;kulturne znamenitosti;naravne znamenitosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Ludvik]
UDC: 338.48(497.4Lenart)(043.2)
COBISS: 20367624 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2019
Downloads: 299
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tourism in the Lenart municipality
Secondary abstract: Tourism is an economic branch which involves a wide circle of activities. Thus, it increases the economic benefits and the value of natural and cultural heritage sights, promotes regional development and allows the increase of social benefits. The thesis presents the tourist offer in the municipality of Lenart and suggests new possibilities of tourism development. In the present time, the municipality of Lenart is mostly interesting to domestic excursion tourists and does not have a well-developed tourism strategy for foreign visitors. By examining various sources and literature, I have presented the characteristics of different types of tourism in the area, shed light on the existing tourist offer and analysed the area's strengths and weaknesses in the scope of its risks, opportunities and potentials. I have also taken into account the basic natural and socio-geographical characteristics of the municipalities, since they are the basis for the development of tourist activities and tourist attractions. I have also analysed the statistical data of tourist traffic in the municipality. The effects of tourism are not only short-term but also long-term. The tourism development is going to have a strong influence on tertiary and other tourism-related activities.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: geography;tourism;tourism development;municipality of Lenart;tourist attractions;tourist infrastructure;tourist potentials.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 120 f.
ID: 8728605
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